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  1. I can also recommend Scalescenes my layout is totally based on their buildings and others built from their Scratchbuilders yard including my house . Now just need my freshly broken collarbone to heal after falling off my bike , I was in the middle of a track redsign so can't even run trains while waiting .
  2. I use a combination of CAD (it's been my work for over 40 years) and Inkscape . I then create a drawing and export it to dxf and import into Inkscape . Then it is possible to snap to the dxf drawing to create the shapes required for the scalescenes textured printing . This is the method that I used to shrink my house down to TT 120 scale . The Hall above was done entirely in Inkscape as an experiment , it was surprisingly easy to do . It is important with both methods to design the walls with card thickness + thickness of paper , something I learned from Chandwell . If you only use card size especially with multi layered walls then you will find that something like the roof will be out by 1-3mm .
  3. I also wanted a manor house but found nothing so I scratch built Gunby Hall from scalsescenes textures . It only took me a week after downloading pictures and finding some architects plans online . I did however previously spend many hours watching videos on Chandwell first . After building several Scalescene kits I then designed some smaller projects , making many mistakes before getting the hang of using Inkscape , I then jumped in the deep end to make the Hall , it wasn't that difficult as it is only 4 boxes with the roofs being the most complicated . If I started again I would add more depth to all the cream features which are on the same level with the bricks . The building has no interior and the windows (95 of them) are printed , cutting out an average of 20 panes per window was too much to contemplate . As it has now lives in the background this doesn't matter . Still needs weathering and vegetation adding .
  4. Maybe if it was just 1 loco but all 5 locos I don't think so . Just transferred them from my Samsung S22 to the Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 and still not able to change cv149 .
  5. I didn't realise that you could use the cv editor on the Hornby app when the loco is set to dcc mode . However in my case it doesn't matter if it's set to blue tooth or dcc I can't select anything on the cv149 setting . Not a big problem as I've only needed it once in 8 months because my TT120 class 50 was so slow . I will try to install it on my samsung tablet instead of my samsung phone to see if that makes a difference , never bothered before as I've only used the Hornby app to load the profiles till now .
  6. Using the Hornby app I can go into cv settings select cv149 which gives me 3 buttons for 0 2 and 4 none of which do anything when pressed .
  7. Tried it on the app a couple of days ago but isn't selectable . Had to set CV149 on the Z21 programming track . Then back on the main despite setting a F0 button on the Z21 app it wouldn't trigger . So back to Hornby BT control and that worked . Bit of a faff .
  8. You could switch off the auto connection in your tablet settings and manualy select the WIFI you require . Or just switch off the TP LINK the Z21 will still supply power to the track without it , it's only needed to connect your device to the Z21 .
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