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Posts posted by Rustyjt

  1. Really exciting to see the increasing supprt for TT120  growing, especially the buffet. What I'd really like is a choice of mk1 bogies to enable adaption of what we have. B1, commonwealth and B4 were all visually significant differences and affected whete used,especially in mixed rakes where speed rating was an issue. Seems a simple mod.

  2. Got a couple. Yes, they are laser cut ply and generally build quite nicely. The surface detail is well done but they are basic from the point of view of chassis, handles for doors etc. They have wheels and hornby couplings included but no bearings and I found the first one I made a bit of a dull runner with thenaxle ends just located in a hole in the wood. Next one has N gauge top hat bearing cups pressed into the frame to see if that improves things. Paint was a bit hit and miss to get an even coverage on the dry wood. I also struggled getting a neat roof profile on the more complex curve. Simple arcs should be ok though. Generally enjoyed building but need to work at it to make the best of it and get a free runner.




  3. I find a small drop of acrylic thinner and soft wood scraper (cocktail stick or laser cut kit sprue cut to a wedge end shape) works well but make sure it is clean and washed off before fitting decals on top. This one of Collingwood had the last 5 start to lift as a drop of thinner remained. Quick flush and do again with the spare number and all was well.



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  4. What this does give me though is a sense of TT120 being a true 'have a go' scale. If you want something you may need to be a bit more prepared to adapt what's available and that is very remeniscant of my early fond memories of railway modelling. Reward from your own efforts, no matter how perfect or not, is a tangible element of the enjoyment of this hobby.

  5. Even worse, just noticed that this side I have missed the windows...aaarghhhh stop everything, cancel all services.....darn it...maybe there's a prototype picture I can find....

  6. Glazing has not really been an issue. 1 side in 3 carrriages snapped into 3 bits but easily fitted back in. With it out you can gently dress the frame colour. Patience is most certainly the key for this. Suspect I will just finish a set when Hornby release thier version.........

    TT parcels.jpg

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  7. Moving on with my era 7 plans, now attempting a repaint of MK1s. Generally happy with a little detail improvement to look at, but trying the railtec white lining between the blue/grey but it is proving a real headache. Any tips out there on getting them straight? Since photo, have started on second one with better results adding shorter strips slowly, plus practice, practice, practice. This may take longer for an 8 coach set than I planned!

    TT Mk1 repaints.jpg

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  8. And yes, the test track is on the breakfast bar courtesy of a very understanding and good lady. She drew the line at the dining room table though, no matter how much I explained the origin of TT!

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  9. Well it's been just over a month of dipping my toe into TT and it looks like the day my current 009 loft layout is swapped out is getting closer. I was prepared to be disappointed, after all the socials seemed to think its the anti-christ of the model rail universe, but I must admit to being very impressed. Strangely the best thing for me so far is being able to turn the tail lights off on the 50 so they are correct when hauling stock. That's been a bug of mine for years. True there appear to be gremlins (my only one was a slight issue with getting HSTs to consist in dcc but eventually solved) and others appear to have had a worse experience than me, but on balance so far it's delivering. I do think the breadth of compatible era stock needs to grow a little more quickly in order to keep dabblers like me interested but can understand the slow and steady approach. I think my motivation in posting this is to put some positive experience comments out there to balance things up. I truly feel for those that seem to have problems with everything they receive and that the QA needs improving, but those thinking of giving it a go shouldn't be put off as online comments usually tend to be the bad experience ones. Time to plan the loft layout 🤪 

    Test track happiness.jpg

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  10. Well the wait and the excitement were well rewarded. What a beautiful model and can sit listening to it on tickover all day! Combination of easy set up on Bluetooth then seamless transfer to the prodigy WiFi set up I use on my layouts was so easy. Feel a second one for renumbering is now required!


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  11. 49 minutes ago, Stephen-1260829 said:

    I have seen the email from Rails, now just need to see the shipped product notification.

    Same here, email showing new arrivals but sadly quiet on shipping news. Fingers crossed for news tomorrow. Can't remember the last time I was this excited for a new loco and stock.

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  12. Think the tt version looks great and cant wait to receive mine, but the side by side shows a thing that I notice often on hornby diesels, the exhaust openings are shallow and roof colour. but the n gauge model has a better representation. 

  13. 13 hours ago, Generic Hornby Username said:

    I saw your 08, and to be honest I thought you had gotten one of the BR blue 08s. Imagine my surprise when I realized that it had been a DB 08 originally! Very very good work on that 08. You nailed it! 


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  14. 8 hours ago, Stephen-1260829 said:

    This model repaint looks very good.  I am in awe of your skills and confidence to alter from one to another.  I will have to wait until Hornby bring out the versions that I like from the era.  However, in the meantime I am having fun developing the baseboards, track plans and layout.  It's funny that I didn't want a blue 08, until it was withdrawn from sale!!!!

    Thanks, I was quite pleased with the 08s final look. I don't aim to be 100% precise but more capture the bits and feel that I remember from that time. Finish comes with practice. Lots of cheap kits or auction stuff to have a go on. I only use a cheap airbrush but as long as its cleaned well and quality paint is used all seems OK.

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  15. For me it would have to be 25 and 45 top of the list with 40 & 46 next. Happy with any first-generation DMUs. Mk1s in Blue/grey and definitely more parcels and mail, maybe a CCT or GUV in plain blue. Others have mentioned the Woodhead electrics which is an interesting idea too.

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  16. Some interesting detail in all the above,  thanks. One can live in hope. In the meantime I am content trying a few amateur repaints to something near suitable. Here's my go at making the 50' brake look like it belongs in the 70s. Next stop, a DB 08 back to BR blue as I missed the original and can't find one anywhere. I have the 'victim' on the bench ready to go...


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  17. Consisting is something I am very familiar with (many years of North American N gauge multi loco sets consisting 5 or 6 locos) but the HST persistantly failed to respond on both units in consist, either ignoring lighting changes or sound on 1 only. Both would work perfectly individually but not in consist on DCC. Suddenly and not sure why, it decided to work after one of about a dozen resets! My point was not about the speed or range of releases but rather an integrated plan on compatability of future liveries with what has gone before. I will quickly get tired of looking at desirable locos only available in liveries much later than that of the stock purchased so far. In nearly every detail I think Hornby have nailed it with TT120, just want it to remain appealing.

  18. Hi, new to this forum so please excuse me if this is old ground. I have started to dabble in TT120 having been everywhere from N to O and via all the various NG branches (sorry!) and must say I am mostly impressed. The option of era 7 scale length passenger trains (that I can actually still see the detail at my age) in B/G was too much to resist. The full set of HST power cars and MK3s was duly put together. My dissapointment is really limited to 2 points. The set-up of the sound and consisting of both power cars has been trying to say the least but impressive now working but more concerning is the lack of visible commitment to sustaining the era liveries already started. It appears the planned 37 for instance is not die to be released in era 7 to matchbthe HST and 50.  Hopefully the 47 will be (and in both standard and LL). I feel if the scale is to thrive, suitable variety of matching liveries should be the aim to begin with. I will soon bore of just an HST for example and will the MK 1s be available in B/G when the 31 arrives to allow typical commuter rakes? While not averse to doing an odd repaint (LMS Full Brake now in blue 1970s parcel fleet) or a quick renumber, I just feel that before committing wholesale to TT120, a sufficient planned variety in matching period livery should be visible.

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