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Posts posted by ModelMan85

  1. On 17/07/2024 at 09:26, Char4192 said:

    Pocher parts come pre-painted, making the model-building process more streamlined, allowing builders to achieve professional results with less effort and greater ease. There are sometimes water decals included that require self application. 

    Yes, sometimes you need to apply water decals, and its usually in areas inaccessible or infeasible for pad printing at the factory I would assume.   

  2. On 17/07/2024 at 09:36, 96RAF said:

    The recommended build sequence is shown in the manual but you may wish to alter this to suit yourself whilst ensuring that you do not 'paint yourself into a corner' by building an assembly that relies upon a previous assembly to be complete first.

    Yes, you need to be careful doing that for that precise reason. It may mean you end up without access to screw on a component at a later stage and might be forced to dismantle, or find another method for assembling that component.

    That said, everyone sees the challenge different, and part of the fun is finding a new technique or trick to get around a tricky stage.  

    • Thanks 1
  3. For me difficulty can be challenging to define. Whilst some kits could take 30-50 hours to build, this time can be filled by assembling relatively straight forward small components. The real challenge is when you need to do something a little more tricky, feeding tubing for fuel lines or spark leads around a small engine before you assemble (HK114 Lotus and HK117 Ducati prime examples)

    A difficulty rating would be helpful for Pocher, but I can understand its difficult to define. 

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