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  1. Thanks all that makes sense now, I appreciate the help.
  2. Hi All Is there a picture, document that shows the distance between the ends of each curve if you just use the curve pieces of each radius? Trying to plan yhr layout and board size. Cheers
  3. That was my think initially but with the track packs being unavailable if am going to buy lots of seperate track then maybe I should go for a different layout. On the 6 by 4 board I also thought about increasing the length of the straights. I will have to lay out the track and see how the space works.
  4. Any specific one that you would recommend.
  5. Thanks for all the advice and being so welcoming. I need to remember this is marathon not a sprint. I am sure I will be back with more questions in time.
  6. That makes sense gives the option to some back and add a module on as I get more experience.
  7. A bit of both from what I have been looking at so far bur want to make achievable for a first layout.
  8. Hi I can get away with a 6' by 4' board at the minute
  9. Hi All After some advice, I have recently come to the hobby after getting brought the Easterner set. My question is should I expand with the track packs or try and come up with my own layout. I have previous modelling experience but not in railways and wondering whether to stick with predefined layout as not to walk before I can run. Cheers
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