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  1. So, Class 40 will wait. Now to redo the Class 31, which was working until it went resettable earlier in the process. Onwards and upwards but must say it's not been a pleasant user experience and I "do tech". 😜
  2. There is Class 40 but if you re-read my post its TTS and corrupt.
  3. Yep understood, but if you read my post, the Class 40 profile failed and you'd need to delete the data to get rid of the corrupt file (as I can't see a way in the app to do it). Also "rtfm" is a bit rude don't you think...?
  4. Well, now that the decoder is linkable I did that and tried to add a Class 40 sound - the only available was TTS not TXS - it failed suggesting the downloaded file was corrupted by the device. So, knowing that I'd have to start again, I deleted cache and data and forced quit and now both my new decoders are reporting as resettable! App uninstalled, I'll have to start again. Absolute rubbish so far...
  5. The problem statement, as per this thread, i.e., a new chip reporting as resettable, was exactly what I had when setting up my second chip. Force quit fixed it for me. So, I guess as at Sept 2024, things have not really moved on...
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