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Planned Typhoon build


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Been out of modelling for a number of years but a recent medical condition has made me take things easier so I decided to get back into it. I wasn't going to build aircraft . . . . that was until I saw the detail in the 1/24 Typhoon. I built the 1/24 Spitfire many, many years ago and it was nothing like that! I have the Typhoon but up to now I've been occupying myself with figures and "set dressing" for the planned diorama at the end of it. In my mind I have the Typhoon sitting in the corner of a hangar under maintenance with panels off etc, hence the workbench, steps and my questions about fire extinguishers and oil drums! Figures were sourced from various places and the obligatory Tamiya rally crew, the elasticated cuffs on the wrist and ankles of the overalls were filled and sanded for a more period look. Tried to catch the washed out look in the overalls.


The Poodle at the back isn't part of it 😆, they're being kept out of the way in a cabinet just now. In addition to the above there are scale tools and toolboxes, some scratchbuilt, some bought, some 1/32 etched tools don't look out of place in 1/24.

I managed to obtain a copy of Brett Green's "How to" book, apparently an excellent guide to the build. Found one in the UK instead of stupid P&P charges from the US.

In theory everything is ready to commence the build, or will be once the book arrives.

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The build guide and a reference book about the Typhoon arrived, along with painting masks but don't know if I'll use them. No wonder the guy ( a pro model maker) bought the books, wealth of info and photos in both books. I've only had a glance through them so far but they need studying. 

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