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Hornby 4-5-6 plank wagns


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Looking for some ballast loads e.g. Sand Stone, Coal etc. to put in some of my wagons.  Apart for the depth do the different wagons 4, 5, 6 planks etc. all the same internal dimensions?  So for instance I could fit sand for a 5 plank wagon into my 4 plank ones.

Hope that makes sense and yes I know that I could make my own ballast but too many other projects first.

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 If you make your loads from soft foam plastic it should be possible to fit it into a variety of wagons. There was a description of this in last year's Hornby Handbook.


Parkside Dundas sell ready made plastic loads 58mm x 28mm for Hornby, 63mm x 30mm for Bachmann and 67mm x 29 mm for old Mainline & Lima.


However I make my own from cardboard. It is dead easy. It  simply uses cereal packet, PVA glue and real coal. Cost Zero. The cardboard measured with a rectangle top measured to fit onto the wagon but with 'wings' on either side and both ends that keep it above the wagon floor.


Don't make it too tight, keep it about  at least 1mm narrower and shorter than the inside, otherwise it will be too tight.   Once you have marked out and cut out the base it is scored and is folded so that it sits near the top of the wagon.



Some thick bits are then glued on top to give the shape of the heap, and then it is covered with PVA and real coal sprinkled on top and left to dry.


The hardest part is smashing up the coal. Vital you wear goggles when you do it.


Here is one I made earlier.






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