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Airfix 1\24 scale Spitfire Paint availability

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Hi I don't know if anyone else has seemed to notice but Airfix seem are going out of stock of a lot of their acrylic paint just recently.

I have just purchased the new 125 scale spitfire MK IXc and although I have to congratulate Airfix on what looks to be from an initial glance a really well thought-out and put together kit, looking at the paints needed to complete the kits it would seem that a good portion of them are not available at the moment (9 out of a required 27 sold out). Whilst I appreciate that this might be a problem if you have been doing kits for a while now, it has meant that as I have only recently come back to modelling and am yet to gain a good stash of paints that I have only two options available to me. One would be to wait till Airfix finally decide to restock their paints or two go onto eBay and pay over the odds for each missing colour.

Does anyone know how often Airfix does actually restock their paints and if it is worth me waiting or not.

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