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Devious Diesel


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Hi all,

I got my own Devious Diesel model today and it looks great. When it runs the body shakes quite a bit and my other locos don't do it, is there anything wrong?

The body doesn't feel as though it's loose from the Chassis and it runs

well, just jerks a little bit but the track coulddo with a clean.
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Mine runs very smooth, Was he new or second hand? I've seen this sort of problem on some engines I bought of ebay and normally comes down to one of the folowing:

1: Missing friction tyre
2: bend/distorted wheels/axels
3: The side rods not

being correctly aligned (although on diesel this would be quite obvious).
4: Bumpy or sightly bent track, esp on the tightest rad as it's alredy a big squeeze to fit all 6 wheels on.
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Hi there,

The side rods seem

fine apart from the center wheel to the back wheel it is slightly lowered, I'm guessing this is because the back wheels are motored and san be lifted up slightly?

The look of the wheels seem fine, do you mean something may be wrong on the inside of

the wheels? As they look fine from the outside.

The friction tyre, i'm guessing that is the band around the center wheels, they are not missing they are present :)

The track I own seems to be fine, the only curves I have are first radius which

the wobbling is more obvious around the corners but he seems to wobble a little bit on the straight pieces of track but it's not that bad.

Any help would be very appreciative :)
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Essentially it's the positioning of the wheels on the axles. Look at the wheel were the coupling rod pin sits into the wheel, the spoke directly above the hole where the coupling rod pin fits in is the one to look at. Say this spoke is set to an exact

9 o'clock position, the corresponding spoke on the wheel on the other side of the loco on the same axle should be set to exactly 6 o'clock, that's a 45 degree, quarter position or quartering. Any deviation from this will either cause the rods to lock up or

if slightly out will cause the model to run like a bag of spanners.

There are more scientific explanations but I have tried to keep it as simple as possible and not blind you with science as you are fairly new to this hobby.
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