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Layout problems


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hi i realy hope someone can help me.... sorry about the spelling now i am very dislexic and can not spell to save my life.


i have a mallard hornby live steam loco i have had it for few years sittting in the wardrobe. i have run the loco a few times on the rolling road and allways runs fine how ever when i tryed to put it on my main layout the locos mottor seem to keep spining and then after about 20 seconds the control unit trips out....... 


i designd my layout to be multy functional. e.g all my point mottos have there own independant circit all sidings where trains life and be isolated off from the main ring so that i can power the main ring in dcc anologe or for my live steam with out haveing to remove locos or take off accsseores. so i can not think what the diiffrence would be going from my rolling road to my main layout i have tryed placing the loco in vary places to see if there is a bad connection on the layout somehwere but it dose the same thing where ever i place it even if i put it directly over the power track.....



please any idearsss i have been dieing to see the loco go round my layout for long time now.



regards brodie

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Hi brodie

The wiring should be made in something like 23 strand wire or a size like the power lead Hornby sent in the set which you have used on your rolling road? If the wiring has well made connections and depending on the size of the layout other connections made in places around the track to keep the volts up and the wiring leads back to good wiring terminal blocks then place the engine on the track at a point where the shortest power connection from the controller is terminated and switch ON the power with the heat control set to the middle position if the motor inside the engine is turning swicth off. Now with a DVM or other volt meter unit connect to the same bit of track that the engine is sitting on an inch or two behind the tender and switch ON again, read off the reading it must be around 12 to 16 volts (or close to the reading on the Hornby volt meter) if it is then you have a fault with the engine if lower than 10 volts then you need to check your wiring back through all your connections to the Hornby controller output.

good luck hope this is of some help.

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A foot note to add to what I said about power on the track above is when thinking of track the less joins the better the engines will operate so go for long straight and flexi track and never let an engine tender sit still on a set of points As this may damage them.

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