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Sapphire Decoder


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I recently purchased a 'Bachmann 7F', and as it requires a 21 pin Decoder, I bought and installed a Hornby Sapphire. All went well with the installation.

The loco was run for an hour in both directions, to run it in.

The issue that I am having
is that the loco is very 'jerky' especially at low speed, is there something I can do to alter the settings of the decoder to try and combat this?

I dont have this problem with any other locos on my layout, and I have made sure that the tracks are
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It MIGHT be the default setting of the back-emf is not the best settting for your loco: different motors are best with different settings ... this is why they are 'adjustable'.
Therefore try changing the CV controlling 'back emf' to OFF and see if it

makes a noticeable change. If it does, then when you turn it back on, you'll have to try various values for the 2 adjustable parts of the back-emf setting.
Another option to consider with the B locos, is the removal of the supresion capacitors mounted across

the motor nd to the chassis .... but if adjusting the backemf CV values cures the problem, this is the easier solution.
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