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point decoder


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having a problem with an 8216 decoder and the elite.Had problems programming it and then it seemed to go ok when i tested it.Hooked it up but the best i can get is faint clicks althoughh it seems to recognise the numbers i gave it.29-32


it might have been power related so hooked it directly to the elite and get the same.
So not sure if its a faulty unit or the programming hasn't properly worked.

appreciate any advice.Also can u hook up a cdu with these decoders as some of my other

ones are sometimes a bit lazy

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The R8216 has a bit of a history where programming is concerned! A search of the DCC pages of the forum will reveal these and the correct procedures for programming them.

But before you do that do ensure the following is all correct...

the wiring from the decoder to the point motor is in 16/0.2mm wire minimum size (larger wire size can be used)
The wires from the Hornby point motor are connected correctly at the decoder - Red and Green to the decoders + and - terminals and the motors

Black wire is to the Comm 'C' terminal. All of course in one group of three terminals.
Your allowing at least a couple of seconds between point operations.

DO NOT attempt to connect any external CDU to the decoder. It has one built in already!

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I have also had this annoying issue with the R8216. It sometimes takes a couple of attempts before it programmes. I also have that problem with the points not switching every time, it is very annoying. I have quite a large layout, and have found it frustrating

that I have to 'go and check' if the point has switched or not.
I have started wiring up an indicator panel, with different coloured lights, that illuminate depending on which way the points are set.
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With P**o points, it is best to make sure that the spring is not too tight, as this prevents the 'R8216' decoder from throwing them correctly, I have found that I have had to 'ease the tension of the spring' slightly, to reduce the force necessary to throw

the point. They dont always throw every time though, and you get a 'faint click' sound, but the point has not changed.
This is extremely annoying, particularly if your chosen train is approaching the point that you are trying to change, and overshoots

it, and then has to be reversed!

From what I have read, the newer Hornby 'accessory Decoder R8247' is supposed to be better, and is cheaper than the older 'R8216'.
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As I said in an earlier post the R8247 is very good. It can throw 3 points ( hornby surface mounted ones) in one go - then takes a sec to recharge. This makes it very useful for a route.

I am not even sure the R8216 is available any longer except

as old stock ( and ironically more money - I never got my head round that one) Certainly My local stockist doesn't sell them now.

I would really try and trade the R8216 in for the R8247 if you can do....
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Thanks all for the posts
me thinks greater problems, but I may be wrong,I get no sign of movement. I check my connection for continuity to the programming track and found continuous circuit between A and B connection on both decoders, doesn't sound

right to me, thats on both R8216 and R8247. Do you think I could have damaged something. Perhaps Hornby may have the answer?
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