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which dcc controller for a 6 year old.


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dear all

could anyone please suggest which of either the hornby select or the bachmann dynamis controllers would be most appropriate for an able 6 year old
i get the impresion the dynamis is the better overally system but just a bit conerned

that the joystick etc might be a struggle for him and whether the hornby one wouldnt suit him better for now.
any thoughts much appreciated
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Hi, you know your child best but most youngsters I know would be best with the Hornby Select (or the B* - *m EZ Command Control) controllers. Both are simple to understand & use and have separate transformers. You can always upgrade later.


use a good DCC Control System and also have a very good DC Controller (I keep them on separate tracks). But I also have a basic DCC Controller to use if I have friend's children visiting. Pressing buttons and turning control knobs is easy to understand. I

also have some basic locos that we can use for my daughters or young friends - sometimes racing them like Scaleltric!

Have fun, regards,
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