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A few railway modellers living in Yorkshire get together every 6 weeks or so in a pub in York. Usually we 'put the world to rights' over a pint and a pub meal. Yesterday the topic of conversation turned to the models that we thought ought to be RTR produced in the future, and inevitably with a high proportion of North Eastern enthusiasts the locomotives of the North East came out as firm favourites. The one that went straight in at Number 1 was the J27 0-6-0 (NER P3). The last pre-Grouping locomotive type that worked on BR, it was a firm favourite for everyone present (I stayed neutral being a dyed-in-the- wool Southern man of course!). They were widely emploted in the North East


I know there are a one or two NE fans on this forum, so I thought I would share these musings with you.


As a bit of a closet NE fan myself I suppose I could certainly find space for one on my collection, but don't tell anyone!

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A fine choice from a group of obviously enlightened gentlemen.


Having had the Q6 as a large coal-dragger, I would prefer a J21 as a small branchline type loco, if given the choice but the J27 would be acceptable. I'm just hoping I live long enough to see the J21 running!!

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 These fellows are rather fond of 'coal draggers' and got a little sniffy when I put the J21 forward.  (remembering a previous conversation re this) . As some of them are from Ashington or thereabouts I suspect they still have coal dust ingrained under their fingernails!


The other topic for the afternoon was the merits of a 'Stottie Breakfast'!

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They probably had coal dust behind their ears.


One reason I like the idea of the J21 is simply 'opens up' the image of the region to more than the idea of heavy industry, coal etc.. We both know that once away from the industrial areas Northumberland and Durham are among the most scenic and picturesque areas in the country, along with North Yorkshire.


A 'stottie breakfast' doesn't really appeal.

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