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Loco losing DCC id in Railmaster -

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This is a strange one and may be related to things already documented in here as bugs between the PC and elite.

I have a Bachmann 411 which runs fine through the Elite. When assigned in Railmaster it works for a while and then I can't
get it to move, even though other functions work OK ( lights, horn etc). Resetting the CV8 to factory settings doesn't help. The only thing I can do to get it going again either through RM or the Elite ( now) is to assign a new loco id that it has NOT had
before. ( this I find really bizarre).

So, re-assigned new loco-id - works for a bit then stops ( under RM) As I said no problems if it is used on the Elite.

I wondered if some of the functions could effect the throttle and loco id? Is this possible?
And why can't you re-programme it back with the original loco id?

Any ideas anyone as I will just have to have it not operated through RM. BTW - My other three loco's run fine through RM.

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