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Yes I tend to agree but as to the Victor I recently saw a 'sprue' shot of the parts and there was no conventional bomb option, it was Blue Steel only. And now you mention it I don't think there were crew members either? There certainly weren't any in the Valiant which is in my stash and supplying the crew members from my spare parts bin would be a 'big hit'. I have mentioned it before and think Airfix should have crew with the new tool kits as they used to always have pilot crew and gunners etc and its the main reason I grew to love Airfix and only Airfix when I started modelling. And its why I didn't like the Humbrol era much as the shared Heller moulds were usuallly poor and no crew. And Airfix kits always used to have stands - its not always bad to hark back to the 'good old days' !!!

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Although the instructions indicate a Blue Steel carrying version



it would appear that conventional bomb bay door are included


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Although the instructions indicate a Blue Steel carrying version



it would appear that conventional bomb bay door are included


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