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random connection USB elink


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I have rewired my dc test track with a DPDT swich to  use with the elite controller and bring everything down stairs in the warm for further checks. I may now have found a recurring fault.

A loco was placed on the rolling road and run in various ways using the small throttle, large thottle and mouse as a remote throttle. All appeared ok. I then read cv1 to 8 with one error, repeated with clear read. I then closed the cv window, ticked the loco  window and closed that. Although the window closed as usual the loco list icon stayed grey, I could not clear it or control the loco loco when switched back to track. Railmaster and elite were shut down.

A loco with a different make of decoder was placed on the rolling road and the test repeated. the loco operated as before but Railmaster could not read the decoder and the loco icon stayed grey. The test was repeated and cv's read successfully but again loco list stayed grey. Before shutting down I managed to use the railmaster help key and sent an e-mail. I will wait and see if I get a reply before going any further. 

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Railmaster support have been very quick with a reply with 9 suggestions. Most have been covered here and other post though they say alternative comms and check controller should both be 0 - confusing. I will go through their suggestions and see what happens.

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With the eLink, Alternative comms & Check controller being 0 (zero) is correct for Windows XP and Windows Vista. However with Windows 8.x and Windows 10. A value of 1 for these settings works best in most cases.

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Good news and bad! Having followed Hornby's help advice I deleted the elite driver and reinstalled. I changed both lines in the ini file to 0 and tried again on the test track. Everything seemed to work fine, no lock ups, error free cv reading and resets, no loco runaways. Ray's post must be correct. So back to the layout and again all seems fine. Or at least it was until I updated to 1.65.1, I'll put that on a new post

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello guys, heres my problem. I reinstalled RM onto my pc,connected the elink and presto it worked. However three hours later I started having issues with the connection being lost to the elink, now the green light flashes constantly and the device keeps trying to reconnect to the pc. it no longer shows as R8214 elite, instead it detects it as USB seriel port (COM4) and I have no control of my locos in RM eventhough it says the controller is detected.

I disconnected and reconnected the elink and it gave an error message saying ":couldnt handshake with the elink DCC controller. Please ensure you are that you are using an elink controller and that it's firmware is updated to at least version 1.07   Hornby eLink (A) - Com4.

This is very strange. Any help would be great

Regards Gary

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Gary, please paste the contents of your railmaster.ini file back into this thread so that we can see it. Once we can see your .INI file contents we will be in a better position to advise a course of action.


Use the railmaster.ini editor to open the file in edit mode. Use the 'COG' icon in the bottom left corner of the RailMaster 'Help Screen' then follow on screen prompts. You should then be able to highlight all the entries with your mouse cursor to select the .INI file text. Then use the 'Control and C' key to copy to your clipboard and the 'Control & V' key to paste the clipboard contents into the forum reply text box.


Secondly, is the controller icon (top right hand corner of RailMaster main screen - looks a bit like an audio cassette tape) steady green in colour. What does the pop-up say when you hover the mouse cursor over this icon.


Thirdly, if you go into the RailMaster 'System Settings' screen. What 'baud rate' is shown for controller A.

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