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Calibrating locos to run at scale speed

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I know there have been other threads on this topic, but I thought I would share what perhaps is a new approach.


I now use exclusively Hattons own direct fit decoders, as these fit just about any loco without having to worry about space, and are excellent value. I recently fitted these successfully and easily to an Oxford Adams Radial, a Hornby J50, and a Hornby Class 71. (The Class 71 looks like it should take a satndard harness type chip, but no way could I get the body back on without interfering with the spring contacts for the light and pantograph)


Note before starting you should run in your loco if it is new. I first of all run them on DC on my rolling road before fitting the decoder to make sure all is well. After fitting the decoder I run them on my layout for about 1 hour in each direction at about 50% max speed. 


To set up scale speed I first configure the loco in RailMaster and note the maximum speed. I then fiddle with the value of CV5 V high so that the maximum speed using my Elite controller (NOT RailMaster at this point) is limited to the maximum speed of the model prototype. (This can be done with the test track set up Hornby describe, but I am lucky enough to have sourced a scale speed wagon from e-bay. Sadly these don't seem to be available anymore)


I then run the loco at the maximum speed on RailMaster, and adjust the speed compensation within RailMaster so that it is correct. Note you don't have to delete the loco to keep changing this as was stated in an erlier thread! Just enter the correction factor (remember what it was because the value dissapears when you go back into it again). To apply the setting, simply confirm, stop the loco and restart it. You may have to this a few times before the max speed is correct. Don't worry about the shunting or cruising speed at this point, that comes next.


Once this is correct you can play wth the CV6, V mid, until the criusing speed is correct. I normally start with half the CV5 setting. 


It may be necessary to tweak the two settings of CV5 and CV6 to keep the speed calibrated / linear, as they do interact, but no major change should be made to CV5 or it will no longer be calibated when using the controller without RailMaster.


What does astound me is that too many times manufacturers don't seem to consider aligning the motor and gearing to accomodate realistic scale speeds, and the speed calibration and correction in Railmaster is actually quite poor, considering they go to the effort of pre loading lcoomotives. (though the new J50 is still not in there.....)





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Just a thought Michael, but as you are working on a calibration track away from other locos, could you not adjust the necessary CV values using Operations mode on the Elite - i.e. programming on the main. You can do this for accel/decel and TTS sound volume so maybe you could also change Vhigh, Vmid and Vstart on the fly.


Then go into RM to lodge your final settings.


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Just a thought Michael, but as you are working on a calibration track away from other locos, could you not adjust the necessary CV values using Operations mode on the Elite - i.e. programming on the main. You can do this for accel/decel and TTS sound volume so maybe you could also change Vhigh, Vmid and Vstart on the fly.


Then go into RM to lodge your final settings.


Hmm. Will try that............

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