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Sound Files (Functions) loaded into RailMaster

Guest Chrissaf

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I am having a hard time understanding how to change the Functions within the Loco set up of Railmaster.

There are sixteen possible sounds set up in the decoder but whenever I try to match the main sounds of the chip with the Railmaster chart/list and then try to save the changes the chart goes back to the starting point. I have literally spent hours reading the Railmaster Guide and I cannot make head nor tail of it. What I really need is an idiot’s guide for enabling my sounds to work!


Why make life difficult when, with a little bit of thought, you can make it damn nigh impossible?

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Les, have a look at my previous post (2nd reply down on the page).



Pay particular attention to items 5, 6, 7 & 8 in my 'Step by Step - How To' guide contained in that reply. You don't need to follow the 'Stage 2' instructions if your loco has already been given its unique DCC address.


PS - You need to have the "Loco Settings" window open in edit mode and have the loco you want to edit called up in it. Trying to edit the function button labels in the main RailMaster screen will not work.

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I think you should have written the Guide for Railmaster!


Others think so too.......


PS - I moved your thank you reply back to this thread where it belongs. It was a little out of context in the thread where you placed it.

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I'm having problems with my new Gadwall TTS Loco with respect to the functions that appear on the large RM window as per this, from post mentioned above


"6. Six of the total number of Functions can be allocated to appear on the small RM loco throttle. Tick the check box of the six (SIX ONLY) functions you want on the small throttle. Note: All the functions, ticked or not, will still be seen on the large RM throttle."


I do not see all of the functions in the large window and which ones do appear seem to vary according to which 6 I tick, though I can't see a direct relationship between the two, just that they vary, seemingly at random. Incidentally I did not have to manually enter these as this loco was in the database. Any ideas, please?

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You have to expand the large throttle to see all of the functions. I covered how to do this complete with screen shots in this previous post of mine. Another one of those undocumented Hornby features. There is a 'sweet spot' on the large throttle you have to click to see the full function list. It is all explained in the post referenced below:



See my reply 'fourth one up' from the bottom of the page.


PS - I see the text you quoted in your question was taken from one of my replies as well.


EDIT: RM only displays 25 of the possible 28 function buttons on the large throttle. As commented within the thread linked above, there is space for the last three buttons F25, F26 & F27. It is possible that HRMS may enable these last three outstanding function buttons in a later RM release.

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Thanks very much for the comprehensive reply, as ever, Chris.


Yes, I knew about expanding the large windows to display as many as the function buttons as possible. You have confirmed that not all of the possible buttons are displayed. I really am not sure what is happening with this particular loco, the only one I have with sound. I will need to spend some time doing some tests, but it seemed to me that the buttons displayed in the large window varied according to which ones I had ticked.


I have some time tomorrow to do this so will report back then. Maybe it's me (probably!).

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Unfortunately F25 on a TTS diesel is the Aux function, which I use for cab lights or flashing beacon, so not having it available in RM big throttle is a pest.


You are aware that to see all the function buttons in addition to expanding the F-window you have to scroll the panel by click and drag. Scroll bars would be better or even all buttons on show at once.


A gripe I snagged to HRMS a while ago is that the buttons did not list on this throttle in correct F-number order. I haven't checked recently to see if this has been fixed.



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I find it odd that RailMaster a Hornby product does not support the F25 function button for Hornby TTS products, particularly as the space is there for the button on the throttle.


Last time I checked, all the functions for my Loksound Sound Locos were listed on the large (expanded) throttle, but not necessarily in numerical order. But using a screen shot of one of my own locos as an example, I have a theory for this. The first six function buttons in the image below are my six (small throttle) tick box selections. These six buttons appear to have been given priority in the large throttle display order as all the other (non six) buttons are listed numerically after the initial six buttons.




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Chris. I think I have worked out what is happening, with my setup at least.


If I tick only one button, to appear on the small control panel, the large control panel showed in space 1, the F button I'd ticked, then 5 blanks, then the remainder of unticked buttons in numerical order. So only showing 11 (10 plus 1) of the possible functions.


I go back into Loco list, click 6 buttons at random. Those six buttons then appear in the large control window in the first six F button spaces, then the remaining 10 that it has space to display, skipping the six I'd ticked which already appear in the first 6 spaces, of course. And, of course, missing out the last one (or more) for which there is no space. 


I had hoped to display all 17 available buttons by ticking F17 to appear on the small control window, expecting that the large window would then display the remainder. But it's not possible as, whatever is clicked to show on the small control window, also appears on the large control window (in the first 6 positions).


Pictures I am uploading (I hope) should clarify what I'm trying say, perhaps.





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I have just posted, with some pictures, my own theory which, it turns out, is the same as yours Chris, though I've complicated the issue in my description. So apologies, once the post has been moderated, for repeating, more or less, what you have just said! My findings are that, indeed, the ticked selections appear first on the large window, followed by the remainder in numerical order. So with 17 Functions on my Gadwell, it is never possible to display all of them. It's a shame the ones selected for the small window have also to appear on the larger one, but then two selection lists would be required to get round that. 

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So with 17 Functions on my Gadwell, it is never possible to display all of them.


I take what you mean by this statement is not all 17 on the SAME throttle display at the SAME time. In other words you see the first 16 on the expanded screen, but have to scroll the expanded screen to see the 17th function button.


Note also, that the 8 button large throttle display can also be scrolled to show all functions without necessarily expanding the throttle to the intermediate 16 button display first. Albeit, only 8 out of the possible 17 functions at a time.

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Aaah, I had missed the fact about scrolling. "Must read more carefully.... must read more carefully.... must....."


Thanks. My post with pictures which I thought I'd submitted for moderation never turned up. Never mind. We got there in the end I think.

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