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Converting DB5 Ltd Ed C3664A to Digital


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The C7005 is the only retro chip officially still available and it will work fine.... if you you can get it to fit!

I google and found this:


There ios no affiliation between that site and Hornby so no guarantees can be made and you would void your warranty if any but it does seem possible.

Goopd luck!

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Thanks for that. Although It looks a bit beyond my modelling skill !  Im going to get the APB now so will be able to run the DB5 on Analogue mode and enjoy the car, in one piece !  It is a beauty, looking forward to seeing it in motion with the lights and ejector seat Etc. 

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If you want neasrly all the functions and features of digital, i.e. pitstops, weather, tire wear, lap times and counter you can try ARC AIR. It will work fine but it is 2-car only and of course no digital lane switching...

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