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Elink software issues.

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Hello, I'm new to the forum and after some info. This may have been asked before but I can't seem to find the exact response. 

I have a second hand Elink unit and the software activation key has already been used. I am aware it is a once only code. I have looked through eBay and the only software I can find has a picture of the Elite on the front...

Will this software work with the Elink? Or can I get a copy of the correct software for the Elink. Can't find it on the website and all the ones on eBay come with the controller.

I appreciate any help you can give me.



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As Greg has already stated. All you need is the valid CD Activation Key that is printed on the CD packaging. This will cost you just £5 plus P&P from Hattons. Reason for me duplicating the content of Greg's post is so that I can provide a clickable link to the Hattons product and provide some additional more detailed information. ONLY Hattons are offering this specifically low price at the current time to shift old stock.


The eLink is currently only known to work with Hornby RailMaster and no other software. The Hornby Elite controller, on the other hand, is not so propriety to Hornby and does work with some other software brands.




Assuming you are using Windows 7, 8x or 10 then install the eLink driver FIRST before downloading and installing the RailMaster software from the download link at the top of the RailMaster sub-forum.


Installing the Windows eLink driver first will help prevent issues later. See this previous post for additional information on the process to follow to install the driver. Note this linked post is for an Elite, but both the Elite and the eLink use the SAME driver. Thus follow the documented instructions and just substitute references to Elite with eLink.




Once the driver is installed. Connect and power up the eLink so that the driver gets loaded. Then and only then, run the RailMaster installer. Make sure that you 'right click' the "rm_setup.exe" file and choose "run as administrator".


If at any time you get 'pop up' messages regarding firewall and/or security, make sure you ACCEPT the recommendations and DO NOT BLOCK RailMaster communication else you will not be able to activate your RM software with your CD Activation Key later.


If after all this you experience further problems, work your way through the locked threads at the top of the RailMaster sub-forum. Instructions in those posts mention Windows 10, but the recommendations are equally valid for W7 & W8x.


Don't jump ahead of yourself. Run RailMaster in 'Evaluation Mode'** and make sure you are happy with it and that it works to your satisfaction BEFORE trying to online activate the CD Key. If you should change your mind about the product it will have greater resale value if the newly purchased CD key is unused.


Note** In other words during the initial RailMaster installation, you may get asked to either enter the activation key now or continue to install the 'Evaluation Mode' and activate later. Choose the 'activate later' option.


I would follow the above steps and set up your eLink and make sure it is working in RailMaster 'Evaluation Mode' before making the Hatton's RailMaster CD purchase. Reason being, the eLink you have purchased may possibly be faulty or a dud. Best to know that at an early stage before investing more money on the project.

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