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Large functions throttle

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ok ok I have a quick question


How come I can only access 16 functions on the large functions throttle? F0 to F15

I have 6 on the small functions throttle.


Some of my locos have 25 functions how come they aren't all accessible from the throttle?




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Ade, In the middle bottom of the large throttle is a sweet spot (red semi circle) that if you click, the large throttle expands to show additional functions [16], this expanded window can then be scrolled to show all functions up to F25. How to scroll the function panel depends upon whether you have a touchscreen, wheeled mouse or touchpad. Some further guidance is given in the following previous posted topic.


There are some screen grabs demonstrating the above on this previous post (7th reply down on the page).



PS - I appreciate that you have already found out how to display the first 16 functions, but I included that description at the beginning of this reply for the benefit of others who may be unaware.

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To the best of my recollection, the feature is completely undocumented in the manual and was discovered by trail & error experimentation. So don't feel too embarrassed about it.

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