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Railmaster and anti virus software

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Railmaster is the only program I have evr installed (computers had thermionic valves when I started) that tell you to unistall your security software. Why can't Railmaster work like any other program i.e not leaving my PC open to attacks? I am having to get Railmaster to access my PC remotely to validate the (paid for) software, something only Microsoft have had to do before in the case of an obscure fault. 


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RailMaster can have issues with certain Anti Virus products, especially those that also contain their own firewall. These products can have all sorts of problems with programs that access custom devices via USB ports (as with eLink) and with programs that use network connectivity. RailMaster has no problems with Microsoft's own Anti Virus product and has no problems with the inbuilt Microsoft firewall. 

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RailMaster has issues with certain brands of Anti-virus (for example Norton Security & McAfee). For the majority of users, installing RailMaster with most anti-virus products, is just 'plug n play' (done automatically). Some users have to resort to manual configuration of their AV products to get RM working 'hand in hand'. This is usually as a result of installing RM and missing out important steps. Like for example, when prompted by the AV products to allow RM to pass through, they don't appreciate the significance of the question being asked in the pop-up and choose the 'block' option. This is more of an issue if the AV product being used installs their own firewall to replace the Windows one, as in those cases the pop-up doesn't always appear.


Norton Security and McAfee are known to be just too aggressive. These two AV products also AFAIK implement their own Firewall with overly aggressive rules. They can also continue to 'block' RM internet communication even after the exceptions have been configured, and even if the AV product has been temporarily disabled.


The installation of RailMaster on your PC will have installed a 'Security.pdf' link onto your Windows PC desktop. This PDF explains how to manually configure security 'exceptions' in Norton & McAfee to allow RM to communicate via the Internet.


Also, if you look at the 'sticky' topics located at the top of the RailMaster forum section, you will find a wealth of information regarding RM and AV. In particular look at the top sticky titled "RailMaster Help Site". This forum members website offers lots of additional documented support to resolve AV issues.


I like many others have installed RailMaster without having to do any tinkering whatsoever with their AV and Firewalls. My set up uses ESET NOD32 Anti-virus along with Microsoft's Windows inbuilt Firewall. I had to do no manual configuration at all, it was all done automatically by the RM installer. All I had to do was choose the 'Allow' option in the pop-up that the Windows Firewall offered me during the RM installation. Although now Windows 10, my RM was originally installed on Windows 8.0


These are my personal views, but I find Norton and McAfee are aimed at the mass consumer market and try to be over protective and 'all things to all men' compared to alternative business class products that do less, but do it better. I dumped Norton Security years ago, because it gave me all sorts of issues. And the first thing I do on a brand new PC purchase is uninstall McAfee completely. I think it is an absolutely ghastly application.


EDIT: with regard the comment


......that tell you to uninstall your security software.


I can't recall any Hornby instructions that tell you to uninstall your AV products. They might advise temporarily disabling the AV as a workaround just to get your RM installation activated, but I don't believe this is intended as an instruction to permanently uninstall it.


If, as you have indicated, have arranged for HRMS (Hornby RailMaster Support) to log in remotely to your PC. Then they will be looking at your AV configurations and adding the missing exception configurations. You need to have a working Internet connection for more than just the initial activation. You need it for online RM application updates and also fault reporting and support requests. Therefore they will be looking to correct the issues that failed to configure correctly during the initial installation.

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I have seen many software packages warning to close all other programs and disable your antivirus whilst installing initially or updates, so RM is only asking the same precautions to preclude these other apps getting in the way of a good install or update.

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Oddly enough RAF I never close any application like AV products while installing other programs. The only two I actually WOULD close are never anywhere near my machines so I don't have a problem with them.

The instruction, however, is there from the old days when AV products and installers were not written around each other and did not work well together. These days, and for the last few years at least, there isn't much to worry about when installing with AV products running or other applications except maybe a browser such as IE or Firefox for example. That's for obvious reasons.

The instruction is mostly therefore legacy.

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RAF... 😆

You're not going to believe this RAF, or anyone else for that matter...

I have just had a client who got a message about stopping programs running while installing another (just after 9 this morning). While it was not an AV message and was simply an ordinary installer the person then closed down two programs and went on to uninstall them both in order to install this new program!

When the operative then tried starting one of the applications that was uninstalled they couldn't get the shortcut to open that program... obviously. The boss called me to say there was an issue so as this office is about ten minutes walk away I went straight over. Needless to say the embarrassment was there fall all to see.

All is now well after a reinstall and this person has been told to take ten minutes off by myself... all dealt with in a great sense of humour but I couldn't believe it when I discovered what this person had done and remembered the comments on here about disabling AV products and warnings about stopping programs running in the background etc. The timing is amazing but I suppose it happens a lot with other stuff across the world so no big deal.

I thought it was so funny and just a pure coincidence at the time and I even had the chance to show them this thread!

So we're all famous now in a non railway world. 😎 😆

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