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Hornby live steam track power feed


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 I am just about to back into live steam after having it packed away for a few years

 I will be rebuilding the layout with Roco Geoline track  

the only problem is I am not sure of the best way to connect the power leads to the track ?


 can anyone give me any suggestions?  what have other people done  if they haven't used  Hornby power track ?


 Thanks in advance






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This is how they connect their digital track...you would have to take advice from them on if it could carry Live Steam  current./media/tinymce_upload/b29dfecf5e7e49b673e1b8982e8c0f94.jpg

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I will have a go at soldering the wires directly to the track .


I have done this before but with much thinner wire as used on DC or DCC . the live steam wires are very thick so it could be difficult.


but will give it a try as I have a few spare bits of roco geoline track . so it doesn't matter if I mess one up . 


 if that doesn't work I will have a look at the conector RAF96  suggested .  maybe I could use the metal part of this and solder the thicker wires to that part ? .  


 Does anyone know the current requirements live steam needs ?

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Yesterday I posted a linked page that spoke to live steam stating the psu was good for 17volts and 7 amps, but it has disappeared and I can't remember where the linked page was - I snatched it from a Google search for live steam power supplies.


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