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Humbrol washes degrading in bottle

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I have two humbol enamel washes, Blue Grey and Black which have been opened but stored with the screw caps tight.  When I opened them recently I noticed tha the contents have thickened with the black wash becoming gritty.

Has anyone else experienced this and if so how did you restore the thinness of the wash.

Intersetingly a jar of white wash has not been affected.

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 Yes, I have. Airfix sent me samples to review when they first came out (2013), and they worked well. But recently I've had to discard the Black and the Oil Stain. Still, they've lasted 4 years and the others are still useable.

You might try adding White Spirit (or Humbrol Thinners).

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  • 6 months later...

I was prowling the Forums to se if anyone else had the same problem when I came upon this thread. I too have a bottle of Humbrol's black panel wash which has always been unusably thick and very gritty.

It's useless. I have binned it and will be going out to get some of Ammo's panel line wash instead. So far, every Ammo product I've used has been uniformly excellent.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Folks,

This happened to me also with the black wash and the dark green wash, just turned to a gritty gunk and the thinner in the bottle mainly evaporated in less than a year in a bottle that was tightly sealed. Another example of Humbrol being a bad inconsistent product - enough said.


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 I don't think it was a bad product John - who can tell the shelf-life of something like this. Unless they let their formulation sit on a shelf for a number of years (not selling anything) how would they know? Now that Humbrol are aware they may well be reformulating the product. I'm sure they have the expertise.

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