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automatically train stop control

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I am new to railmaster and elink. I am currently looking for idea to realize the train automatic stop function at these condition: suppose there are multi locos runing on the same track( e.g. 3~4 locos on the single track), the loco should be able to stop at designated location ( e.g station, or red light ). for certain time( e.g 3~5 sec ) and it wil resume to run. also if there are loco stopped there. the loco behind, shuold able to stop detect it. anyone has experience to realize this demo/setup with railmaster and elink? thanks

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Until the long awaited loco detection system appears RM can only execute time based events as recorded programs (macros), so what you are asking for is not possible yet as described but you can emulate the scenario to some extent by stopping one train behind another, and moving the stopped train out.


Unfortunately due to loco 'creep' in timed events due to mechanical variations of locos, etc the accuracy required is not there yet.


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