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dcc select problem


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i am new to this. have just made a circuit 8 x 4 with 2 tracks etc. when i power up the select controller just flashes with2 lines on the display .If i disconnect some track and say just leave a straight the unit and engine function correctly.

Any thoughts please?
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Hi, this sound odd? It seems you have a short circuit which causes the controller not to work - as all train controllers in such cases.

Do you have more than one track power connector in use? If so check that all the connecting wires

on rails are connected together correctly. The way to check this is first to draw out your layout using a red & black colour pen (or any different colour) for each rail. Then draw on you power connectors locations. The red & black should not meet up - this

will cause an electrical short circuit. If all seems well on paper then check you actual wires match and it should work fine????????????

Other possible causes of short circuits are faulty connecting wires, metal objects on the track, reverse loops without

isolating track etc.

I hope this is clear. If it does not solve your problem others may have more wisdom or ask again. Kindest regards,
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you are right had a short circuit. i have built a track out of one of the plan books that includes an oval with 2 cross over loops. i have removed all the DCC point links and the train runs in certain point configurations. switching certain points

re creates the short, do i need a reverse loop module or should i isolate the points that are the cause with isolated fish plates? I also have a y configeration in the circuit.
many thanks for your assistance
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As Southernman777 has said it's a short circuit.

If you are using just the one power track then you would only have two wires from the Select to the track, which would suggest there is a bit of wire or some such crossing the rails somewhere causing

the short.

If you are possibly using two power tracks or have more than one feed from the controller going to the track it is possible you have crossed the wires somewhere.

What parts of the track are you disconnecting for it all to work OK,

all of it or just a small section?


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Sorry cross post!

Which plan book and which plan?
A cross over should be OK if you've used insulfrog points(basically the standard set track points)
If there is a reverse loop or "Y" then you will probably need to replace the metal FISH plates

with insulated ones, you may also need a reverse loop module as well, but it normally says in the plan book what you need.


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building 7/13 plan book is r8140 problem is the y configuration points by the looks of it, if i leave out the clips the track is fine but when i refit or change points a short occurs. So will try insulated fish plates in the y


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