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  1. LMSTim, Pot kettle black springs to mind about reading posts. Hey Ho, never mind. I have said at the exhibitions I go to that RM is a cracking bit of software for the price, what it can do and how easy it is to use and set up and show everybody it running and operating on the layout, no automation as the kids just like to play using the controllers or sliding the speed control up/down. They actually ask if Hornby has sponsored me as I have all the Hornby DCC system running on an N-gauge TrakMat layout. Unfortunately not sponsored, which would be nice! Most of the folks who ask about it would love for it to be available to use on other systems as they would then buy it!! So that's my point to add to the desirable features list! Can the software be made to work on other DCC systems as that could allow many more users to buy the software.
  2. LMSTim, be careful on saying it will be the best in the world, it depends on what you actually want the software to do and what you're comparing it with. Again as we have all come to expect your defence of RM without EVER saying there is anything wrong with it is very funny. "The detection system when out will clearly be the most sophisticated available" .....sales rep RM programmer talking ;-) If you want full automation RR&Co is probably going to be the best at this moment and I really can't see how RM will be able to do what that software does. To program a loco in RailMaster to just go off and do what it likes, obeying all signals and points set against it you will need, as you so nicely put it, to be a nerd or geek as the automation program would be something else to try and write even with the detection system fitted and operating. There would need to be many detectors all over the layout to be able give the sort of full automation that RR&Co currently achieves and the programming required for all the possible eventualities if only one of the detectors being operated is vast, never mind any of the others. I've used the trial version of RR&Co and yes it is harder to set up initially but RM will be just as hard, ( as we don't yet have any detection system hard "could" be the wrong word) so I will use time consuming, writing all of the automation programs that would be needed. If you try to be unbiased along with being honest about your involvement with RM it would make your comments so much better instead of coming across as the top RM programmer all of the time :-) Cheers
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