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Power Booster

The Owl

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Hi,I have a large layout and need to increase the power for my DCC  Select controller.

I have a laptop charger rated at 19vdc @ 4amps does anyone know is this suitable as the current charger supplies at 15vdc @ 1 amp?  Just concerned that the voltage will go up by 4 volts

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To boost power across a large layout you must divide the layout into separate and isolated power districts and provide each district with a device that will pass along the DCC signal from the prime district and only DCC controller, whilst providing separate power to that/those isolated districts.


The hornby device is both a signal amplifier and power booster R8239.


Normally a Select will run a large layout if powered by the Hornby 4-amp power supply unit rather than its own 1-amp unit.


Using the laptop supply to boost a layout is fraught with disaster and as stated could destroy your Select and loco decoders.


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Thanks for all the advise. Definately will not plug in my laptop charger.

It all turns out that what I thought was a power issue-ie the locos kept resetting the controller whenever it passed over a certain sections of track-after removing the track pins all now works fine! Could not see any fault with the pins or track-all a bit strange

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Stalling on points is usually due to bad contacts between the wheels and the track but when the controller resets or shows overload (especially frequent with the Select) it's a sign of a short circuit, even a very brief one caused by the wheels bridging between two rails at opposite polarity, or phase on DCC.

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With the 1 amp supply when the Select experiences a short or overload the PSU will pick up the fault and reduce its voltage, causing the Select to reboot until the fault is cleared.


With the 4 amp supply the Select inbuilt overload protection comes into play and it shuts down until the fault clears.


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  • 2 years later...

To boost power across a large layout you must divide the layout into separate and isolated power districts and provide each district with a device that will pass along the DCC signal from the prime district and only DCC controller, whilst providing separate power to that/those isolated districts.



Ref above,  how do you do that ?  Is there a circuit diagram I could follow ?  Not sure how I get the dcc signal from my e link without also the power from my e link ?

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