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New models and Railmaster

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I have just received two new models, R3592TTS and R3382TTS, currently running in.

I have updated 1.65.2 although Railmaster only says 1.65 when I checked. Railmaster cannot/does not show either of these two models in the list of locos when I try and enter them into my loco list. What am I not doing?

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It depends upon just how new these two models are. HRMS (software developers for RailMaster) have been known to be a bit behind in updating the RM database with new models. I don't know for sure, but maybe they need to have availability of actual production models in their possession to use when profiling the speed curves etc in the database.


There have been many posts regarding TTS models not being in the RM database at time of the loco launch....it seems quite a common issue.


It doesn't stop you from entering all the basic data manually, in order to operate your new model purchases, until such time as the database is updated. This previous topic thread explains how.




PS - To see the .2 part of the 1.65.2 version number. Hover the mouse cursor over the small yellow box containing the 1.65 number (bottom right hand corner, to left of the clock). "Revision 2" should appear in a small 'pop-up' dialogue box.

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How long is a piece of string....is the answer to your question I'm afraid.


I suggest you send an email to HRMS "support@rail-master.com" quote your specific model numbers and ask them to confirm whether they are in the database, and if not, when are they likely to include them.


If they are actually in the database already, then you may just be experiencing a searching syntax error.


Request to other forum members. Could anybody running RM version 1.65.2 search for R3592TTS & R3382TTS and report back findings.


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As I mentioned in the thread "Sudden changes of direction", I can confirm that, having downloaded and installed the latest version of RM using the link at the top of the RM forum, I could not find R3592TTS in the database. This was yesterday, Saturday 29th.



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Just to let you know the R3382TTS has been in the database for some time although the Class 31 is not at the moment as we are awaiting a unit.  On the very odd occasion a loco will slip through the net and then our team have to wait for one to arrive, after customers may already have their hands on one.  As soon as it is with us it will be profiled (speed and sound) and then added to the locos database for automatic download.


In the mean time, you are able to add locos manually to RailMaster and set up a sound profile.  You can also profile it for scale speed operation although when we profile locos the speed curve is more detailed.

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I'm back. I can find R3382T in the loco list but not the "TTS" version.

That is the TTS version. It seems the RM database field length was probably defined for the old X (DCC fitted) and S (XS sound fitted) suffix models so all you need is T after the R number. Someone could try looking for an R....XS (sound fitted) and see if it comes up or just R....S.


Odd that you pull up a picture of the 31.


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Just to clarify, I received the 31 andMN sameday, I programed the 31 first then the MN but it would not allow me to select the picture of MN. I restarted Railmaster and then it worked. I suppose it could be a gremlin 😳.

Re R3382T, I selected this version as it is the option that matches the model, it does not however populate the functions list so I have added them manually.

While I have your attention perhaps you could explain why those functions that are supposed to 'latch or toggle on/off' , blower, injector and safety valve etc; only operate for a few seconds before switching off in Railmaster but work fine when switched on and off via the Elite controller?


Justed played with Railmaster again , it seems my description should look like this 'Blower on/off' which appears to toggle on off as required.  😳

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The way the Elite and RailMaster handle function buttons is completely different. With the Elite, the function buttons 'latch' when you give them a single press and 'toggle' when you give them a long press. See definitions in italics below.


For the purpose of this reply description, "latch" means to lock on the function i.e only send the function command once and 'toggle' means to send the function command twice within a few seconds of each other to switch the function first 'on' then toggle the function 'off' a few seconds later. For example to sound a horn which is a 'play once' function.


In RailMaster the default action for a press of the soft function button is to 'toggle' and not 'latch' the function command sent. With the Elite if you use short button presses and forget to send the 'sound the horn' function command twice, then the next time you try to sound the horn, the first press of the function doesn't work because the first button press is sending the function 'off' command that had not been sent previously.


As said earlier. With the Elite, the Elite distinguishes between the 'latch' and 'toggle' action by measuring the length of time the function button is pressed. However in RailMaster to convert a 'toggle' action to a 'latching' function you have to add the text "on/off" to the RailMaster button label (something you have already worked out for yourself, based upon your posted last paragraph of text). HRMS do seem to have a habit of not always getting the labelling right when they are setting up a multi-function loco (typically a sound loco) in the Hornby database. It is easy enough to edit the function button labels to add or remove the "on/off" text as required.


Note that the "on/off" feature for the function button labelling is not documented anywhere in the Hornby RailMaster manual.

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