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Programming Auxillary CV for Krois couplers using Railmaster r

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I think we have seen this question before and the consensus then was you can only set a loco decoder function to on or off and that you cannot time that event, except by way of a program in Railmaster, using the F25 on  - pause - F25 off sequence. More info in the manual page 41-42.



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If you are using Railmaster, have a look at "DCC Sound Macro Editing " on page 41 of the RM Guide. You might be able to attach a macro such as "P4~F25" to the F25 function in the setup for the loco concerned.




Edit: You beat me to it, Rob

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hello benson132,

yes I control my couplings with railmaster.

I find that the short operation time for the coupling means I have to automate the process.

therefore I have created a program to perform the operation see attached video. this is for uncoupling.

not created a coupling program yet.


the short operation time is necessary so as not to burn out the coupling when in use.

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Hi benson, just to clarify from your last, you cannot connect to a CV (configuration variable), they are not physical things. You have to connect to a function wire together with the blue common positive wire, then set up that function as tsc describes.  On a usual 4-function decoder, that will be the green or the purple wire with the blue.

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