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Railmaster has limit on the roster of 64 active locos

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Hi All,

Has anyone else noticed that Railmaster has limit on the roster of 64 active locos?

From 65 and Up you can add the new locos with no problem but the locos will not responded to commands, you need to move the loco you need to run on the roster between 64-1 and then you need to restart Railmaster for this to happen.

I am running the latest version of Railmaster 1.66 on two layouts Pro and Std.

Windows 10 Version 1703 for x64-based Systems.

I hope someone can help with this issue..... 😀




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This issue has been discussed before at some length. There was no permanent solution, but a workaround was found and documented. The workaround was to split your loco fleet up into 'Groups'. As long as each 'Group' didn't exceed about 60 locos, then it worked OK. I have searched the forum for these previous posts, but was unable to find them again.


If I recall correctly, HRMS stated that they couldn't replicate the issue and that they had loco rosters far in excess of 64 locos. In other words, it wasn't in their eyes a widespread issue.


Want to know more about setting up 'Groups' then see this previous thread (found during my searching mentioned above):




PS - The use of Groups in effect does something similar to your own workaround (moving locos into the first 64 roster places) but without the need to close and re-open RM. You just select the 'Group' you want to control from the 'pull down' selection box (see linked page above for details).


EDIT: After a further more intense forum search, I did find one of the relevant previous posts......here:


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It wouldn't do any harm to report again. It died a death last time but that was with the old HRMS regime. The new improved responsive HRMS may take the issue on more seriously and sort out a permanent fix for this long standing issue. So yes....please report it again formally.


Report it via the inbuilt HRMS help system as this will send your loco roster files to them as well as other user specific RM files, as part of the integral reporting system.

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  • 1 year later...

The text below has been copied from another thread from a post made by LuLuJo, as it is relevant to this one as well. This text basically expands with more detail on the one above previously made by KNAP.


The key is not about setting up groups as such, but to ensure that when the software is loaded a small group under 64 locos is loaded and not one over 64 locos. If you then load up on starting again with a small group loaded initially, you can switch to the ' All ' group and all the locos will work. There are currently 76 in this group on my system and all functioned.


If you forget, and shut down with the ' All ' or another large group loaded, then starting next time you have to switch to a small group then disconnect the controller. Reconnect it and wait for it to initialise. Then switch to the ' All ' group and all the locos should work.

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I have had to use groups and HRMS could not access my system maybe due to my anti virus software. May help a lot if there is a system they can access with the problem

Another annoying connected problem is that you have to switch off with a small group, but Railmaster can on occassion open with all, which means reloading.

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