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Accessory Decoders and RailMaster Points Sequencing

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RailMaster software very handily allows programming of point switching sequences as part of the track layout design.  However, I've noticed that sequences that run off the same Accessory Decoder don't always successfully fire all the points.  My guess is that the Accessory Decoders I'm using, Bachmann 36-561, share a single CDU across their 4 ports and, hence, the delay between points in the sequence isn't great enough for the CDU to recharge.  So, is there any way of varying the delay between points that are fired in a sequence to give the CDU enough time to refresh?

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Try editing the "Points timer=0.75" entry in the railmaster.ini file - see page 32 of the RM user guide manual to provide a greater timed firing pause period. I assume that 0.75 is three quarters of a second and that 1.5 would double the pause between point firing to 1.5 seconds.

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Thanks for the quick responses.  All sorted and everything now working.  Perhaps just one extra detail for anyone else who may be trawling the forum is that I had no problems getting my standard right- and left-hand points to fire in sequence when attached to the same Accessory Decoders.  The timing adjustment was only necessary for Curved Point Radii 438mm Arcs 22.5° and 33.75°, Hornby R8074/R8075.  I chose to vary the timing rather than make connections to alternate decoders because the 2 sets of these points I have are at opposite ends of my layout and what I may have gained in CDU charge could have been offset - to some degree - by having longer wiring runs.  Also worth adding that the Pecolectrics Instruction Manual for the PL-11 contains the advice to "Wherever possible fit along straight side of track", which, in my own application, isn't feasible; so, it could be that I'm misemploying the product to certain extent.

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One supplementary question.  In my mastication of the subject, I noticed the "Accessory Decoder" window that appears for the programming function has a field entitled "Delay" on it.  This defaults to "15" for the Hornby R8247 4-port decoder and "12" for the Bachmann 36-561.  Any ideas what this "Delay" setting is actually for?

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The advice to fit the Peco surface motor along the straight side of the track is due to its length fitting better on that side and it will also clear any low hanging loco bits.


If you fit the quite small black Hornby motor for instance on the inside of a standard point it will catch on a diesel loco fuel tank/battery box. I have a picture of this with my Class 56, but can't upload anything at the moment due to a web site fault.


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I have a problem with one of my sets of crossover points where the two points are wired together into the same decoder port. On the plan, I obviously have the choice of clicking one or other of the points buttons. On the rogue pair, if I click one of the markers, the points change correctly, but then change back again. If I click the other button, they usually operate correctly. My other sets of crossovers work properly. Any ideas, please?

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Just check the dialogue boxes for each side of the pair to see if there is any conditional interaction set, like if A is x then B is y.

It may be that when selecting it from the errant side RM is commanding a reselection of some sort.


If the picture upload was working you could post the design box for each one to compare.


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Alternatively (in a similar vane to Rob's suggestion). Check the point dialogue boxes in track planner to see if the "reverse operation" tick box is checked on the errant point.


If it is, then untick it, or if it isn't, then tick it.

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Nope. Nothing in the point dialogue boxes. I do remember having an issue when I was installing and setting up these points and having to reverse one pair of connections when clicking the "reverse polarity" box had no effect. I'll go back and start from scratch with the wiring and set up in the track planner.  

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I solved it and my answer above was not entirely true! Being a novice to Railmaster etc, when designing my track plan, I had placed two sets of points buttons (one for each points) for my crossovers. I now find I only need to place the one set (they are both wired into one port). Much less confusing on the plan and, in doing so, I did find that, yes, for some unkown reason, for one set of buttons, I had clicked reverse polarity, the other, not. By just deleting one and making sure the other operated "the right way round" it solved the problem!


Thanks, as ever, for the advice!

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The advice to fit the Peco surface motor along the straight side of the track is due to its length fitting better on that side and it will also clear any low hanging loco bits.


If you fit the quite small black Hornby motor for instance on the inside of a standard point it will catch on a diesel loco fuel tank/battery box. I have a picture of this with my Class 56, but can't upload anything at the moment due to a web site fault.


Thanks Rob.  In the physical positioning I only lucked-out with one of the 16 points motors I fitted and, coincidentally, it was on one of the 4 I fitted to my curved points.  I'd fitted the motor on the outside, ie larger radius, side and the heel of it was slightly further inwards than my other 3.  I didn't notice until I ran-up one of my Hornby Princess Coronations and the front steps were clipping the back end of the motor.  Problem was easily solved by just untacking the motor and moving the heel out a few millimetres.  All now running fine.



Wondered if anyone had an answer to my supplementary question on the RailMaster settings window for the Points Decoder?

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One supplementary question.  In my mastication of the subject, I noticed the "Accessory Decoder" window that appears for the programming function has a field entitled "Delay" on it.  This defaults to "15" for the Hornby R8247 4-port decoder and "12" for the Bachmann 36-561.  Any ideas what this "Delay" setting is actually for?

Is anyone able to answer this question?

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I can't say with any authority, but I think it has something to do with the delay between "DCC Programming Commands" being sent to the decoder.


I assume a longer delay gives more component charging time to prepare the decoder to receive the DCC programming command (the relay clicks you can hear during programming activities, is the controller switching between low programming output power and full charging output power on the programming track output).

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