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point control

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Probably more than half my points have stopped changing if I do it thru railmaster.Some still work ok but most don't.Yet i can select that point no. and change it on the elite and they work fine Also loco control from railmaster is fine.

Tried removing

some of the non working ones in design and putting them back in but still the same result.Fine on the elite but no go on railmaster.A few have also lost their direction arrows in the track plan.

Only cause i can think of is that i did the railmaster

version upgrade a few days ago.

Any help appreciated


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no its happend to me a few times prior to the upgrade
railmaster sends the pulse 2 times to each point
maybe the cdu is not recharging fast enough
you can change it in the ini file
its normaly set by defult at 0.75sec
i have mine at 1.5sec

had the problem since
some of my route are cascaded with 3 or 7 points some are 2 conected to 1 decoder outlet
try it and see,, nothing to lose,, you can always put it back
find a setting to suit you

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thanks mike but ini file timer was set at 1.5.Don't think its a cdu problem as they change fine from the elite and i don't even get a click when i try to change them with railmaster.They did work before with railmaster and haven't really changed anything

so no idea why they don't work now.

they show on the track plan with correct no.s and and some on a decoder will work with railmaster and the others don't

in one place have three in a row not working so just created a test plan with these three

and same story.They change fine with the elite but nothing if i try with railmaster

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You are running the Elite in Standard mode and not Classic? When you do a reset it puts it to Classic mode by default - RM needs Standard mode.

I found that running RM with the Elite 1.4 in Classic mode corrupts one or both somwhow - anyway

apologies if I am just telling you what you know already!

Can only think to check the wiring and create a new small point layout and allocate the port on the decoder etc and try that. If that still does not work, then I would probably reset the ports

on the accessory decoder.

But watch out for this Classic Elite thing - I found that all my point numbering went crazy with RM1.3 and Elite 1.4 because I ran it in Classic mode by accident.

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Could be your problem
have heard this before but not seen it
when i updated mine it came back on in standard mode

all my points are working ok
it my engines that have gone wrong
seem to have lost all the exceration/deceleration setting

from stand still to crazy speed in a eye blink

just in the process of putting them on the programing track
and run them through Decoder Pro
problem is i have lost some of the papers with the settings on it

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On the subject or point control with RM and the Elite etc, which i have on an XP pro pc with a touch screen. I have just got one R8247 decoder set up at present addressed at 1 (ports 1-4) as per instructions. There is 1 point motor on each port, on the

layout i have 2 points which should fire together like a crossover. What is the best way to do this, have two motors on 1 port, or have 2 ports with the same address. If the latter then how do you set that up on RM, do you set up the 2 ports with the same

No. in the design options. and would you have both points with control buttons or just the one, i have 1 set per point at present.
The point decoder is powered from a booster + Xpressnet cable from the Elite. Other posters on here must have similar situations

on their layouts. I tried 2 motors connected to 1 port but they didn't seem to get adequate power to change so i put them back to seperate ports. If they are not getting adequate power from the booster to fire 2 at once, then i was wondering if the output

from the booster wasn't equal to the track output power from the Elite. I would have thought a booster would be equal given it's supposed to power a seperate section of track to the main controller.

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i have two points from the same port working ok off the 8247 from the elite .In railmaster i only added 1 and clicking this changes both.Maybe try powering it from the elite.I tried running the decoders off my booster but its showing 22 volt and the closest

decoder to the booster gets pretty warm and mostly doesn't work.have gone back to running them off the elite till i sort t out

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Were i have more than 1 point (cross over or Passing loop )
i take the wire from 1 oitput on the decoder to a domino block
then from here i take wires to both point motors that chaange together
then in railmaster witch ever point you select, the

other one changes at the same time
if you find that they are changing and show different directions change the wires over on 1 of the points, or in railmaster change the polarity on one of them

it will also pay to go into the railmaster ini file

(in notpad)
and change the defult setting from 0.75 to 1.50

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