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Elite repair one for RAF96 ?


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I have a friend's elite controller to have a look at and try and repair as it won't power up 

He had already contacted Hornby and they told him they cant fix it. maybe they don't have any PCBs for the elite and won't solder new components so he sent it to me 

I have opened the elite a found one component blown near the power input so that would explain why it's getting no power 

I am not sure what the component is I think it may be a bridge rectifier? it has four legs on two at each end 

it won't be difficult to replace I can unsolder old one and solder a new one in its place 

I have taken a photo inside the elite to help identify the part needed 

can anyone tell me what the component is? 



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I know this may not help you directly, but my 10year old Elite packed up recently and I contacted Hornby via email. They sent me a "Case number and an address to send it to". It was returned a week later fixed. The covering letter that came back said, "DC input choke rectified & updated free of charge".

I was very impressed.

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The component circled in red is labelled L6. This 8 pin (four solder pad) surface mount component is a "Common Mode Choke" not a rectifier. The part number is (with a 90% probability) "CM3032V301R-10". This component part number is stocked by Farnell.




This ties in with EX-tn........'s post above that mentions a "choke".

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The component circled in red is labelled L6. This 8 pin (four solder pad) surface mount component is a "Common Mode Choke" not a rectifier. The part number is (with a 90% probability) "CM3032V301R-10". This component part number is stocked by Farnell.




This ties in with EX-tn........'s post above that mentions a "choke".

Thanks Chrissaf I will order a few and hopefully get it sorted 

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I know this may not help you directly, but my 10year old Elite packed up recently and I contacted Hornby via email. They sent me a "Case number and an address to send it to". It was returned a week later fixed. The covering letter that came back said, "DC input choke rectified & updated free of charge".

I was very impressed.

Yes thats very good of Hornby to repair a ten year old unit.


People complan about Hornby some times but on the whole i have always found them very helpful

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That part number is good. We ID'd these devices in a similar post a while ago, both 4 and 8 pin chokes.

It seems odd that ExTNT got his fixed but your friend had his repair for the same fault rejected - L6 is the DC input choke.



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 That part number is good. We ID'd these devices in a similar post a while ago, both 4 and 8 pin chokes.

It seems odd that ExTNT got his fixed but your friend had his repair for the same fault rejected - L6 is the DC input choke.



thanks Rob

I have the chokes ordered just waiting for them to arrive in the post 


I'll let you know how it goes. I don't think I will have any problems with it 


 Rob / RAF96 are you going to do any more articles about the elite on your website?


Can't really comment on why Hornby didn't repair my friends elite as I don't know what he told them.  anyway  it doesn't really matter as I can fix it for him hopefully 


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 Rob / RAF96 are you going to do any more articles about the elite on your website?


You name it and I'll give it a go and provide a write-up. Any suggestions for articles about the Elite or any other kit for that metter, even if its just pictures of the insides of these devices e.g acc decoders, Select, eLink, etc.


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 Rob / RAF96 are you going to do any more articles about the elite on your website?


You name it and I'll give it a go and provide a write-up. Any suggestions for articles about the Elite or any other kit for that metter, even if its just pictures of the insides of these devices e.g acc decoders, Select, eLink, etc.


How about some articles on the elite and select listing the components used . It would be a great resource for people like me who like to repair things themselves but may not know what the components are .

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There are an awful lot of components on those circuit boards, so how far down the list would be useful, rather than just listing everything, if I could even ID them.


You also have to consider the PIC chips, which can be ID'd and may be within many people's skill sets to replace, but without the associated code and some way to load it that is useless information. Ref back to Pidder's Elite where popular opinion is that the basic PIC code is corrupt and we users have no way to help him recover it.


It is much easier to ID components on an as required basis by circuit ref e.g. L6, Q5, R7, etc then find out what the associated parts are.


Life would be simpler of course with a circuit diagram but that is Hornby intelectual propoerty so no way would they post that on the internet for us. Its good that they will hand out the component info bit by bit.


I have posted pictures of the insides of most of the Hornby kit, well all that I have anyhow, to help people ID parts by location but I suppose posting an article about them - kind of a Teardown Report - may be useful.


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Just a list of the most likely ones that fail and can be replaced would be useful ...

...but a teardown might be useful 



I'll work at the Teardown, as simple things like how to get these things to bits can be a challenge.

Maybe with a picture of each pcb showing the board code of likely candidates and their PN where I can ID it.


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I have got the elite to power up  and have tested with a locomotive and everything seems to work okay apart from 7 8 9 buttons 

have also updated the firmware to 1.44  successfuly

 maybe something has been dislodged or could this be another problem?  Has anyone else ever had any of the function buttons not work?

 I will take it apart and just check everything again and see what happens



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Just keep operating them many times in case it is a bit of corrosion. If no good after this then the dome contacts may have dislodged as they are only held in place onoto the pcb with sellotape. If so its a dismantle again and realign as necessary. Fiddly though. The black rubber number button pad block is fairly robust but while its apart you should check it.


I wish the picture upload was fixed as I have lots of pictures of the insides taken for the teardown articles I could use here.


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Thanks RAF69 

 I have tried as you sugested but it's still not working  there was no corrosion or dirt on the contacts when I removed the Sellotape holding the tactile dome switches in place but I cleaned them anyway .



 when you press the buttons they make very good clicking sound and don't sound any different to the others that work and the rubber pad doesn't seem worn or misshapen in any way.  I guess I could try replacing the switches  with new ones



when I talked to my friend last night he said he wasn't sure if those buttons had ever worked as he only tends to use 0 to 4 .  it was second hand unit 


he is not really an advanced user of the elite  so is happy to have it running as it is .to use as a spare unit  as a backup for his other elite 


 thanks for all your help RAF96 

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I suggest you try the LOCO power up test again to confirm those buttons.


One of the problems of fiddling with your Elite or any other kit for that matter is it invalidates any warranty it may have left and any user attempts to repair it/them may give Hornby cause to refuse repair of any kind.


This also applies if you pick up a unit from eBay as it well have been tampered with such that it is rejected by the Hornby Repair guys.


You therefore fiddle at your own risk obviously but should also note the possible support problems when buying second hand.


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