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Configuring long addresses with a non Hornby controller.

Guest Chrissaf

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I think you're doing it wrong, the value 4472 does not go into CV29. It goes into CV17 & CV18 (refer to section 8.3.1 on page 38 of your ZTC511 controller manual).


There is an online calculator to convert long 4 digit addresses into the decimal values for CV17 & CV18 here:



According to the calculator above (see image capture below), CV17 should be set as 209 and CV18 set as 120 to configure a 4472 long 4 digit address. These numbers probably do not mean anything to you. They would however, if you understood Binary theory. Hence why there is an online calculator to make it easy. Note that Hornby RailMaster and I believe Hornby Elite too, does the necessary CV17 & CV18 conversions for you. You just enter the long address you want, and the Hornby kit does the necessary. Your ZTC511 controller does not seem to support automatic CV17 & CV18 configuration, thus the need to do the calculations and manually configure them as described above and demonstrated in the image below.




Then in combination with CV17 & CV18 above, you also have to set bit 5 (enabled) in CV29 to tell the decoder to look in CV17 & CV18 for the DCC address to use. See this online CV29 calculator below to determine the decimal value you need to write to CV29 to achieve this.




For example the CV29 calculator above will tell you (if your current CV29 value is 6 [this is the usual decoder default value]) to write value 38 to enable long addresses.


Read the value of CV29 from your decoder and use that with the CV29 calculator to determine what features are currently enabled. However, see my PS below first.


PS - if you have tried (as your post infers) to write value 4472 to CV29, then write 8 to CV8 first, to reset your decoder back to the factory default settings, as one does not know what effect trying to write an invalid value to CV29 has done to your decoder configuration.

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 Has anyone experienced any problems in trying to change the default address on the new Flying Scotsman? Just took delivery today and it works perfectly, sound is lovely.

Now I like to run my locomotives under there running number where possible, I've sat down and tried about 4 times to change it from the factory setting of 3 to 4472, my controller gets as far as vfy.config.reg.  (I've put the new number into cv29, got the "find" number) then the controller goes through the paged sequence of 0-250 , comes up with no response recieved.

Using a ZTC 511 and the sequence from their manual.

Anyone any ideas? 

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 Ignore my post. I spoke to Graham tonight (Owner of Taunton Controls who tookover ZTC) and apparently my ZTC 511 is not configured to programme a long decoder address into a sound fitted loco.

Now he is the expert on this but it puzzles me how I managed to re programme 2 dcc decoders in sound fitted A4's to their running numbers last week !.

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Thanks for your response, Apparently after speaking to Graham at Taunton Controls, he informed me that the ztc511 is not configured to re programme sound enabled locos with a "long " number. Its a feature that will be available on the ztc611 but is not on the 511. He's going to sort it out for me when he gets the sound box.


Funny but I did manage to reprogramme two sound fitted locos (A4's) to their running numbers last week following the steps in the manual. In fact I have 6 sound fitted loco's which I have re coded to their 4 digit running number. Never mind

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If you read my earlier post above. I suspect Graham means that the ZTC 511 controller can't do it automatically for you. It should still be possible using the method I described.

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