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Erratic loco running

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Hi everyone, I recently transferred my RM from my old PC(Windows XP) to a new one (windows 10). But my locos a running erraticaly the locos run a short distance stop then run again(about 4 times per loop). The locos are western master GWR and an Eurostar. This happens for about 2 loops and then neither works. This is observed specifically near 2 turn outs. So I looked for problems near turnouts but found none. I also have a flying Scotsman which I have not tested post reactivation. 

PS:When I first  installed RM on the new pc It was not changing colour Scheme . Hence I had to reinstall it. Also when the railmaster starts it shows Please wait in English only and not in other languages and the startup sound is also missing. Hope someone can help.


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In the RM folder in Program Files on your computer there is a file called setup.exe


Try running this as it is the original startup application as opposed to the RM.exe used for normal startup.


You should get the option to choose your preferred language. Turning the startup sound off (rail clacking noise) is by way of a tick box in the system setting dialogue box.



I've got a screen grab but it wont upload - the tick box is second line from the bottom of the box on the left hand side.



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Also make sure that you have all the correct entries in your "railmaster.ini" file for Windows 10 operation. These will be different from the ones you had on Windows XP. See the sticky thread at the top of the RailMaster/Trackmaster sub-forum and look for the Windows 10 section about two thirds of the way down the post relating to "Check controller" & "Alternative comms".


I would also go a bit further and regenerate a completely NEW "railmaster.ini" file. See the instructions for doing this in the following previous post.




Note: If you have an eLink just substitute the references to Elite in the post with eLink, the actions are the same regardless of controller used. With eLink, make Check controller = 1 (not 0 as documented in the post) and do not add the Elite feedback line referenced in the linked post above.


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hi everyone 

Thank you for replying. I tried editing the ini file but windows is telling me to get admin permission to save  which I just can't see how and why to get when I have already installed RM as admin. After that I am unable to open railmaster. 

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If you do it from the cog icon in RM then it gives you the explicit rights, rather than opening the .ini file yourself in Notepad and finding you have to save-as due to rights and then delete the original file and rename the saved-as file to get back to square 1.


You want the cog (ringed in the picture) that is bottom left hand corner of the box that opens when you select the ? (Help) icon.



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Might be hard to use the cog Rob if he can no longer open RM. 


So so an alternative suggestion Deadalus, Connect all of your hardware together then rename your ini file to something else.  Now go to the link at the top of the forum and download and install the very latest version.  This should detect your Elite on its com port and create a new and correct ini file for your setup.


Tell us how it is going after this.

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How to edit the "railmaster.ini" file when you get admin rights error message and you can't open RM to access the cog tool.



Navigate to "notepad.exe" file using 'Windows Explorer'. Then 'right click' the "notepad.exe" file and choose "run as administrator" from the menu list.


Notepad.exe will open in administration mode.


Now use the Notepad file menu to navigate to "railmaster.ini" file in the RM program folder.


The railmaster.ini file can now be edited and saved OK.


Alternatively, move the "railmaster.ini" file to a temporary folder (a folder not in the Windows Program part of the folder tree). Then edit it there. Once edited and saved, move the "railmaster.ini" file back to its original location.


But I humbly suggest you follow the "generate a new .INI file" process I documented in my earlier reply. This should also fix the RM not opening problem as well. RM is probably not opening, because it can't find a valid .INI file in the location where it should find it.

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Hi everyone

Thank you Chris I got RM working again. But I am still unable to get my locos running.

I downloaded rm setup and deleted the old ini file after which I edited the new ini file as told by Rob.

PS my other locos dissapeared. I guess I will just set them up again.

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Tell us what controller you are using with RM (eLink or Elite) and post the text contents of your current railmaster.ini file you are using back in this thread. We can then review the entries to see if there is something obvious that still needs to be done. Most RM running issues can usually be traced back to the .INI file entries.

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Hi Chris

I am using an elink controller.

The ini file is as follows:

Tipper speed=80Tipper timer=86.4Turntable speed=40Turntable timer=23.56Points timer=0.75Conveyor speed=65TCP start port=30Check serial ports=1Show upgrade button=1Allow deactivate=1Use default curves=1Polling time=5Confirm delete=1Classic buttons=0Show point indicators=1Uncoupler time=5Detection Timeout=5Button bar vertical=0Throttle timer=5Handheld plan area=1,1,135,135Program tick sound=1PING time=60Reset eLink on start=1Enable mouse=1Warn static IP=1Load Hornby locos=1Point button arrows=1Spoken confirmation=0Controllers on top=1Double pulse=0Alternative Comms=1Check controller=1Alternative Comms2=0Check controller2=0Elite feedback=0

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I would delete the last three lines in the .INI file.......see yellow highlight below. Leaving the two lines above the yellow as the LAST TWO lines in the file. The three lines in Yellow are not needed as you are not using two controllers nor an Elite. Everything else looks fine.


If you don't want to delete the last three entries. Fine, just delete the two entries above the Yellow and retype them in again at the end of the file so that they are the last two entries. Previous forum posts seem to show that doing this is helpful in sorting out RM communication issues.


Note: only an extract of your .INI file is recreated below to save space in this post.



Note: just for info. If you have any issues with points not firing correctly you might want to edit the "Double pulse=0" entry to read =1

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Thanks Chris.

All is well now.(almost)

I tried putting my Flying Scotsman and it stopped at points. So I eliminated the points after which Scots ran smoothly. The Eurostar too began smooth operations after a bit of oil in the gears(as recomended by manual).

It turns out that the GWR loco is not responding. I had sent it to Hornby as it did not run even when I first tried running it. As it was returned by Hornby saying tested I assumed it to be in working condition. I guess I must send it back to Hornby.

PS After sometime I tried putting the points back and it ran smoothly. Wonder whats with the points 

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