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Pendolino DCC Driving Trailer Car lights


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Help needed with DCC drivinig trailer car, please.  I just received a gift of a second hand DCC Pendolino and put it on the tracks to test it.  Driving car with motor works fine, lights change red/white as expected with change of direction, and switch on and off from the booster (NCE Power Cab).  However, the trailer car shows no lights at all.  As there were no instructions with the set, I checked to see if there was a function decoder in the unit and could not detect one.  So then tried to check the unit using DC (only on the dummy car!) and lights work fine and change with direction.  What puzzles me is how the LEDs work fine with DC but somehow are not responding to DCC at all.  Is there a rectification circuit inside the unit?  Could it have failed? Any other possibilities?



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You need a decoder in the powered car AND the dummy car for the lights to work properly on DCC.  When you program the dummy car, you may find it best to have the powered car as well as the dummy car on the programming track at the same time, so that the motor in the powered car will "fool" the programmer/controller into being able to program the dummy car.  Many controllers/programmers need to be able to detect a motor or other electrical load before they will allow programming to happen.  There are other ways of doing it but I find this method very easy and convenient.

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You need a decoder in the powered car AND the dummy car for the lights to work properly on DCC.  When you program the dummy car, you may find it best to have the powered car as well as the dummy car on the programming track at the same time, so that the motor in the powered car will "fool" the programmer/controller into being able to program the dummy car.  Many controllers/programmers need to be able to detect a motor or other electrical load before they will allow programming to happen.  There are other ways of doing it but I find this method very easy and convenient.


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