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Using your phone to improve your models!

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When working on a model I find it useful to take pictures as I go along and view them on my pc.  That way I can enlarge them and view all the defects with a view to going back to fix them.  

Here's a pic of the stern area of the Queen Elizabeth I am working on .  Just look at the mess!  Believe it or not it actually looks fine to the naked eye but when you blow up the photo it makes you want to cry!

Still.....nothing that a bit of touching up won't cure.


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Hi Patrick.

Now that's a useful tip. Actually I've accidentally done something simular in the past when photgraphig some sub-assemblies then noticing mistakes and being able to correct them or just improve the parts. Never thought of using the technique to purposely look for problems. Nice idea, I'll be trying it in the future.

Your Queen Elizabeth looks stunning and I admire your tenacity, and inspiration to us all.

Remember we do this for fun                                         John the Pom

PS. Got it in the right place.                   JtP

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  • 2 years later...

When I used to sell models on eBay I found this "phenomena" in reverse. Models (especially 1/16 figures) that looked great on the shelf looked like **** in some photos. I always got good feedback (and repeat business) but some of the pics if I used them would have had customers running or laughing at me (or both) It was like looking down a magnifying glass at them. I've found angle, lighting and not being crazy-close to the subject make a big difference. 

A variation is "whats does the model look like primed, especially primed in black or white". That can show up some bad defects in the build but equally when you have multi-colour plastic parts or white filler a primer coat can make the job look better,

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