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Virgin Pendolino DCC operation


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Hi, yesterday I started the process of converting a Virgin Pendolino to DCC. I fitted a 4 channel Hornby DCC decoder in the drive unit and although the train moves correctly under DCC now, I cannot get the lights to work with F0. I havent fitted a DCC decoder to the dummy rear unit, (just removed the blanking plug, as I dont have a spare decoder chip) but dont think this can be an issue as the two units arent connected together. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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The only immediate action you can take without being able to read CV29 is to ensure the decoder plug is inserted correctly - i.e. pin 1 (orange wire) aligned with the arrow or trianlge or other mark on the socket.


If the plug is inserted 180 degrees out the motor will still work and no damage done but the lights will not work at all. Try it plugged in half a turn round and report back to us - success or failure.


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Without the blanking plug fitted in the dummy car the lights at that end will not work.


If you have a multi-meter you should be able to check continuity of the blue (+ve) pin of decoder socket to the lights and the white and yellow lights (switched -ve ) pins of the socket to the respective white and red lights.


Looking at Pendo spare lighting boards (X9710) on this site I see they have red and black wires just to add to your confusion, so they must connect to a main PCB with the blue pin a direct PCB track.


According to service sheet 302 - X9728 main PCB and the dummy car PCB X9729 both use an 8-pin decoder. Each PCB has a TL and TR connection at each end of the board for the track pickups between bogies, a M+ and M- for the motor (as applicable) and connections marked 1, 2, 3 and 4 which are for the lighting boards. The hi-level Cyclops light is soldered directly to each PCB. Note if checking the lighting boards stand alone only use low voltage with a 1K resistor in circuit as the normal protective resistors are usually on the main board. The service sheet kind of shows which wire goes where.



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