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Tornado TTS intermittent sound


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I have a blue R3245TTS Tornado and e-link. The loco runs OK and the sound is fine for about 2 track circuits then the sound becomes intermittent, stopping dead and then coming back every milli-second or so, and the sound carries on where it left off. Stopping the loco for a little while then starting it up again does the same thing. Any idea why? Wheels have been cleaned.

Thanks for any help!

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When you say 'stopping dead' and 'intermittent' etc.


Do you mean just the sound. That is to say that the loco physical movement is totally unaffected during these breaks in sound.


If the answer to this is yes, then the most likely problem is the TTS speaker. There are lots and lots of posts on this forum regarding TTS speaker failures. many on here have replaced their TTS speakers with speakers made by another brand, usually 'sugar cube' speakers.


Forum member Howbiman will provide the details on suitable replacement speakers if he sees this post. Or search his posts. Find a post with his user name on it and click the name.

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Technically yes, the speaker (and the loco in this case as it is a factory fitted TTS decoder) is under warranty if within the warranty period, but if you read many of the previous posts about TTS speaker failures then why replace one poor quality speaker with another the same. Better quality speakers are not that expensive. Of course, it may be the decoder audio circuit on the decoder itself and not the speaker. So at the end of the day, it is your call as to what option you pursue. Replace or repair the loco under warranty or not as the case may be. It might be a dodgy wire connection. There is no CV that can fix a physical  issue.


I would stress however, that as it is a TTS loco (brand new presumably) and not a self installed TTS decoder fitted after market, then the majority on here would recommend sending it back for replacement by the retailer you bought it from and not try to repair it yourself. But just be aware of the potential speaker issue for the future.

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Howkie..........click here to view the range of 'Sugar Cube' speakers from which to choose a suitable size, the larger the better for enhanced bass response..........well worth the extra few quid.......I always buy 2 or 3 to spread the postage cost....... http://www.youchoos.co.uk/Index-Shop.php?L1=Speakers ......it is usually quite easy to find a suitable mounting space and secure with blue tac.......HB

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