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TTS HST won’t slow down

Michael Armstrong1707820172

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I am having an issue with controlling the speed of my Hornby HST fitted with class 43 TTS decoders. Direction lights and sound work fine, both the power and dummy car will play sounds at the same time regardless of direction (I assume this is normal). However I am having an issue stopping the locomotive once it goes above 20mph (it will stop at slow speeds although there is a delay). I have checked CVs which are showing as factory defaults. Currently using elink with railmaster and haven’t had any issues with other TTS locos or any other sound or none sound fitted locos. 

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Thanks for the responses. CV7 is reading as 128 on the power car. Having played about with it tonight sometimes it works ok other times it seems to freeze- will not speed up or slow down and lights spot sounds etc are unresponsive where as the dummy car will response (obviously just lights and sounds). I have taken the dummy car off and the problem still happens although less frequently. Having said that even when it is working ok it seems slow to react to commands- certainly a lot slower than the other TTS locos that I own 

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eLink doesn't have knobs, but we know what you mean.



you say all CV values are at default,but just check CV3 & 4 are set to 15. Also check DC running is off in CV29 using the right click method to bring up the sub table in the CV read facility.

it is possible your decoders have a problem so if it persists contact HCC and ask them about it, as there was a problem with programming and directional issue - see Admin post at the top of this forum.


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I have previously experienced near identical symptoms. On one occasion it was because the wheels on the power car were grubby, and on another it was because of some dust caught between a wheel and the electrical pick up. Perhaps a spot of cleaning might resolve the problem. Good luck. 


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