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Wrenn Castle problem

Rana Temporia

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I can usually diagnose a problem in a Tri-ang or Playcraft loco within a few minutes and have it running shortly afterwards. However I have one that has me stumped! I recently bought a Wrenn Castle second hand and originally it ran perfectly. However, recently it started to run erratically, running perfectly one minute and incredibly slowly the next. I have lubricated everything, changed the brushes, cleaned the commutator but it persists. 

I don't think it's the magnet as there seems to be plenty of power in it and the motor isn't overheating. 

The loco will set off at full speed and keep it up until I stop it. The next time it sets off it won't go above a crawl. Stop it again and it's back to full speed. All pick-ups, contacts etc. Are clean. I am unfamiliar with Dublo and Wrenn motors as they were always outside my price bracket but with all the experience I have of fixing other makes I feel a bit embarrassed with this one! Any advice would be gratefully received. 

I only bought it as when I was young I had a Wrenn catalogue and always wanted the Blue Castle but could never afford one. When I saw one at a reasonable price I thought 'why not'. It looks great with a rake of Tri-ang blood and custards but I don't know if there was a prototype Castle ever in Blue. I know some of the Kings were as top express locos. 

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