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Day and Night lights


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There are other versions of this model without decoders fitted when the light switch will work..........when a decoder is fitted it takes control of the lighting via your function key........that's my assumption........HB

Hi Howbiman

After i posted my question i had a further investigation upon moving the switch i found that in one position the left headlight was on then flicked the switch then the right headlight came on.

thanks for your reply.


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Going WAY off topic - Yes I am, 66, but I'm now M0HFF, and have been for a while. Presently no HF, as last winter's storms brought down my radio mast, and I've not yet replaced it.

You can find me in QRZ.

I'm also a scuba-diver, published author, and fly radio-controlled model aircraft, to which you will find the odd reference scattered amongst the threads on here.

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