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Handheld - RM Forgets Activation + Fit for Purpose?

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OK. I copied across the working tack plan to the "slave" PC. And indeed that sort-of worked. But no loco list so not able to operate anything but points and signals and not able to operate any programs, which I have placed around the track for operating signal and points sequences. At least my signalman in future will not have to struggle with the virtually non-working handheld app!


I'm guessing I need to copy across the whole caboodle and then it might operate as it should. Nowhere, to my knowledge, is any of this mentioned in the instruction manuals. 


I'll have time to try this tomorrow and will report back further.

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@BagEndJct, when I run using both a master & networked PC if I use the networked PC to change a point or control a loco the action is reflected on the screen of the master PC. However if I change a point or control a loco using the master PC the action is not reflected on the screen of the networked PC. I reported it to HRMC a couple of versions ago, but it still happens On my system. Let me know if you see the same and if you do it would be worth you reporting it too. If it works fine for you then it must be a local issue on my system.


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HRMS, I think you're confusing two different issues that I reported at around the same time.

I was having an issue with the mobile app loosing communication with RailMaster and also an issue with a Win 10 networked PC not displaying updates made on the master PC. The mobile app issue suddenly resolved itself after an IOS upgrade, so I suspect it was an iPad network issue, and has not reoccured since. The issue with updates on the master PC (Win 7) not being reflected on the Win 10 networked PC still exists. The networked PC problem is not ideal, but it is liveable with in my mode of operation. So I am just curios to get confirmation whether BagEndJct does or does not see the same problem

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I'm hoping to try this out later Nick, or tomorrow. It was a very quick test after I'd copy across the .pln file. I'll also copy the resource.mdb file and all programs and give it a whirl. What I achieved when I tested it (changing points and operating signals) was infinitely better than trying to use the handheld disaster of an "app". The amount of time I've wasted on that!

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I copied all the relevant files to my "slave" laptop, including the .ini file, all prgs and the resource.mdb file.(Working .pln file already copied).


I had started RM on my master laptop before the slave. When I tried to operate points, I got an error along the lines that it could not receive feedback from the master. I restarted RM on the master and that seem to fix that one and I was getting feedback, ie the display reflected the operation of points.


Signals displays were reversed. So red was displayed when the signal was green. I suspect this is where I have used Reverse Polarity in the signal set up. I don't really know. 


The hilarity started when I tried to control a loco. Pressing F1 button to turn sound on resulted in a whistle being sounded. This happened with the two locos I tried. The loco would not start under command from the slave, but I could stop an already started loco! All the F keys appear to be totally mixed up.


When I tried to run a program I got an error stating that there was no controller present.


Quite a mess really, but my friend could operate points and signals but, with no access to programs, which have been necessary to correctly control, for example, Train-Tech One Touch signals with direction feather, life won't be easy for him! 


I'll do a bug report to HMRS

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Having downloaded and installed version 1.67 of Railmaster I can confirm that I still cannot zoom and scroll on the Ipad. To be able to change points I have to send a portion of the plan. I also still cannot operate the Tipper and the Conveyor from the Ipad. I have reported both issues to RM in the past.

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Ducky, you’ve done a sneaky job of hiding this post at the bottom of a not directly related topic when there is already a topic specific to this problem.  Maybe the mods can move yours there for you?


But the other topic shows the problem to be resolved by the latest version of 1.67, so even if you think you have the latest, please download and install from the link again and see if it resolves the issue.

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