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Ipad and Iphone not working correctly with 1.67?


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Have just downloaded 1.67 and all seemed ok, then tried my ipad but this does not function correctly - non of the train motion controls workcorrectly e.g will operate only when use direction change button ( slider does not work until fwd or rev pressed) sound buttons work correctly though.

Previous to upgrade the ipad worked well, though have not used it for a while.

Any suggestions? I have a fixed ip address for computer and handheld uses port 30

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In the "RM version 1.67 now available" thread. BB reports that the cursor sticking to the large throttle slider issue is now fixed. HRMS did state some time ago that they were going to try writing a new mouse slider sub-routine in RM to fix this widely reported problem. Since your freshly reported issue is "throttle related". It may be that in fixing the other issue, they have broken your iPad control function.


I would report it to HRMS via the inbuilt support requesting function on the RM Help Page.


EDIT: OssieB (from post below), I would suggest you report your issue too. The more times it is reported the greater the priority to fix it.


If like me, you keep all the previous releases downloaded from this forum site as they become available, then you could always go back to the last 1.66 release that worked for you. Until such time as your new issue is fixed.

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Just tried my iPad several times, and have similar problem. Sound functions work, points and signals on track plan work, but no response at all from throttle or shunt/cruise buttons.


Thanks, not just me then!! Will try to downgrade if can find last one!


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I have been in email contact with HMRSupport over the last 48 hours and thank them for their dedication over the festive season. As yet no solution to the problem has been found. I did reverted to version 1.66 and proved that the iPad still worked correctly with the previous version. I have also tried an iPhone and an Android tablet with the same result of the throttle not working 1.67.

I will update when the problem has been resolved.


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We believe this issue has been resolved although were awaiting responses to a couple of emails before uploading a fresh rm_setup file.


We have updated this file so anybody affected by the throttle issue on their hand-helds should download the setup file from www.rail-master.com/rm_setup.exe and install over your existing installation.  There is no need to uninstall or deactivate.


Please let is know either by using the Help Request system in RailMaster or by email to support@rail-master.com if you still experience any issues.

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We believe this issue has been resolved although were awaiting responses to a couple of emails before uploading a fresh rm_setup file.


We have updated this file so anybody affected by the throttle issue on their hand-helds should download the setup file from www.rail-master.com/rm_setup.exe and install over your existing installation.  There is no need to uninstall or deactivate.


The updated file seems to have fixed the problem. Thanks HRMS.



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