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Casey jones1707821567

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Hi, I have just rediscovered my old layout in my loft which has not run in at least ten years. I am interested in converting to DCC I have a laptop which I can dedicate to the layout And I intend to us railmaster and Elink. I understand that I have to convert locos. My question relates to points and operation, do I need a point decoder? and presumably I have to replace the old point motors with newer one's. I have about 25 points so it seems like I have to do this gradually. 

Also what is the best product to clean the track with (about 300 ft)

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It isn't mandatory that you operate the points via RailMaster, you could just continue using them as you did. It does however, make sense to take advantage of all the features that RailMaster (RM) can offer. So yes you will need an Accessory Decoder (AD) to interface between your points and RailMaster / eLink, if you want to operate them by clicking a 'soft' button on your RM track plan, or automated within a RM program.


No, you will not need to replace the actual point motors, just rewire them to the AD.


Track cleaning, a combination of a purpose made track rubber in conjunction with lint free cloth and cotton buds (for points) dampened with IPA (IsoPropyl Alcohol) are the most favoured cleaning products to use by the majority of forum members. Main thing is to avoid anything more abrasive than a track rubber, such as wire wool or similar. If the track is pre Nickel Silver (steel) and corroded from long term storage in the relative humidity of a loft, then probably best if it is replaced instead. Unlike Analogue DC, Digital DCC is very susceptible to being degraded by the slightest hint of muck, grime and corrosion on wheels and track.


Also note that Analogue DC power tracks and Power Clips are not suitable for use with DCC. They either need to be replaced with DCC Friendly ones [R8241 / R8242] or modified for DCC use by removing the Analogue DC Supression Capacitor inside the power power track or power clip wired between the two rails.


Also note that R8232 Point Clips will also need to be fitted to any existing Hornby points to convert them to DCC. Unless, of course, you use a DCC Bus to distribute the DCC power around the layout. Doing that, negates the need for the clips, and in my opinion is a much better solution.

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You don't need a points decoder unless you want automatic control from the computer program.  If you are going to be controlling the layout manually using the mouse for instance, you can still operate the points manually (by hand) or by using passing contact switches, toggle switches or stud and probe but for automatic running by computer program (Railmaster) then point decoders of some sort are essential.


What to use for track cleaning depends on how dirty the track is. If it's old steel track, I would replace it with new track which is nickel silver.

If they are in working condition, old point motors should still work with DCC point decoders.

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Presuming your points are the old solenoid type then you may be surprised to find that they haven't changed much at all in the past decades so you can still use them.


If you had a point switching system before then it will still work now, but if you want computer control via DCC then yes you will need to convert to accessory decoders to link the PC Railmaster via the eLink to your solenoids.


IPA or meths is a good liquid track cleaner but you can use the rough side of a piece of hardboard. Same thing goes for the rolling stock wheels. Also give these a bit of a lube using light oil such as sewing machine oil or special model oil.


If your layout had section switches then set them all to on, connect the eLink, install RM and away you go running your converted locos. Dont try running locos on DCC before they have had decoders fitted or you could burn the motors out.



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