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Rail master sound function

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hi having purchased railmaster last year decided to give it a test.very easy to set up and use.my layout is controled using digitrax controler but wanted to have a go with computer control.i use digitrax sf decoders for sound i load the sound  files  using my  pr programer.i can add and take away sounds i dont like and add.just purchased king class tts to see what its like .very pleased with the sound looking to purchase more tts sound  realy good prise.i pay around £45.00 for sfx 8bit and £60.00 for 16bit . digitrax. i am able to play all sound with my digitrax controler so would expect this with rail master.any help welcom

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So what hardware controller are you using with RailMaster then Hornby eLink or Hornby Elite? AFAIK, RailMaster doesn't support the Digitrax controller.


Your post is somewhat confusing, because in the first para you say:


"purchased railmaster last year decided to give it a test.very easy to set up and use."


This infers that you have no issues.


Then you go on to say in the last para:


"I am able to play all sound with my digitrax controller so would expect this with rail master. Any help welcome."


It can't be easy to set up and use at the same time as you are expecting sound support to work with RM. The two statements are somewhat conflicting.


What exactly is your issue, more detail is required?


If what you are actually saying is that you have installed RM OK and have learnt the interface and it is that what you are saying is OK in the first paragraph, but you can't get RailMaster to communicate with your Digitrax controller and this is what you are saying in your last paragraph. Then you probably won't have any success doing that. RM is propriety to Hornby, AFAIK it only works with Hornby controllers as it is not 'open source' software.

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ok i dont use digitrax when using railmaster.when using digitrax on its own i can play all sounds.when having a play with rail master i can only use 6 sounds will not let me add  more than 6 sound to loco. i no hornby computer control dose not work with digitrax 


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The 6-function limit is just for those you want to show in the small throttle. These are the ones you tick in the setup list.


All the other functions are available by opening the large throttle, then clicking on the red triangle at the bottom of the throttle to expose the first 16 buttons, then press click and drag on the function buttons to expose all 25 buttons.


As you already know your Digitrax kit wont work with RM.



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Using RailMaster gives you access to the 6 sound functions on the small throttle that you select in set up [those 6 function check boxes are ONLY relevant to the small throttle].


To access more than 6 sound functions you have to use the large throttle. Its all explained in this previous post, with some captured screen shots.




PS - You obviously knew what you meant when you wrote your first question. We can only go by what you write in the text as we can't remotely read your mind. If you don't provide the detail, then it is no wonder that we end up making incorrect deductions.

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