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RailMaster v1.67 problem

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I have run RM from v1.63 onwards without any real problems, apart from the well documented items in this forum. Now, having installed v1.67, I am having a real and repeatable problem with the point/signal "other signals and points" function. My layout is reasonably complex with interlocking of points/signals using this function. It has now stopped operating correctly, with some interlock functions not operating at all: there are far too many to document here. I have spent the past few days overcoming these bugs by the use of program buttons replacing the signal icons on the track plan and removing all functional logic from the icons before moving them to an unseen area of the plan. Has anyone out there encountered this problem? I use AD-S8FX point decoders and Signalist SC1 signal decoders.

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David, have you read the RM version 1.67 now available thread to see there were many more issues at original release, most now reported to be resolved.


Have you downloaded the very latest from the link recently?  If not, do so and see how it goes. 


If you still have the problem, please operate your layout to demonstrate the bugs then email HRMS from within RM and describe your problem as above to them.  The reason to operate your layout first is that your email will have your log.txt file attached to it so they can see exactly what is/isn’t happening. Also report that you have downloaded and installed the latest from the link only today. 

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I am using railmaster with eliminating and downloaded ver. 1.67 on Friday 5/1/2018 .

I have just stated to link  two signals to one point. I set up a test screen to try out rays example 

on the Forum. My problem is that it works changing the point to the right with signal green and pne red

fine but when switching point to left I get both signal showing red or after doing a tweet I get two greens. Can anyone suggest where I might have gone wrong

many thank bob J

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Hello Bob,

Is there any chance you could snap an image of your screen showing the configuration of the point and upload it into a post on here? Also, are the actual signals showing the same aspects as the icons on your layout diagram when the point is switched?



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Very first thing to do given the changes made to v1.67 in particular - download from the link and update again, then see if it has changed.


Once you’ve done that and tried it out, report back here and if there are still problems, please email HRMS immediately after the test using the email facility in the Help screen.  Doing that will send your log.txt to them so they can see what has happened.  Make sure you tell them you have only just now downloaded and updated before running the test. 

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Having just read the two most recent posts, I can confirm that HRMS are investigating the fault I reported on this forum several days ago. At the moment, I can only assume that a bug has crept into v1.67 as everything worked correctly prior to updating. I will report the outcome as and when it happens.

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I am using railmaster with eliminating and downloaded ver. 1.67 on Friday 5/1/2018 .

I have just stated to link  two signals to one point. I set up a test screen to try out rays example 

on the Forum. My problem is that it works changing the point to the right with signal green and pne red

fine but when switching point to left I get both signal showing red or after doing a tweet I get two greens. Can anyone suggest where I might have gone wrong

many thank bob J



Hello Bob,

I have just tried this out on my layout using the latest version of 1.67 and it works ok....


Are you sure you have the red/green marker buttons in columns 1 and 3 of the Other Point/Signal exactly as shown in the image above?


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Hi St1ngr4ay, I read with interest your posted example of v1.67 working correctly. However, your example is interlocking signals 106/7 by firing point 29. My problem is the inverse - because the tracks are bi-directional, point 29 would have to be interlocked by operating signals 106 or 107 in your example (plus signals controlling traffic in the reverse direction). I wonder if you could check that scenario and report your finding, because that is the problem I am having and what HRMS are investigating. In my case, both signal 106 and 107 show green despite correct conditional logic statements in the other point/signal sub-menu and correct track plan icon colours. Thx David.

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Hi ray many thanhs for info, have change to another point and found that you are right

it works  my previous point had  another point into it,using the  same port .so do I put the same info 

into both points when  they are using the same port so I’ll try it out where two points linked into one port thank you all again

bob j

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Hi St1ngr4ay, I read with interest your posted example of v1.67 working correctly. However, your example is interlocking signals 106/7 by firing point 29. My problem is the inverse - because the tracks are bi-directional, point 29 would have to be interlocked by operating signals 106 or 107 in your example (plus signals controlling traffic in the reverse direction). I wonder if you could check that scenario and report your finding, because that is the problem I am having and what HRMS are investigating. In my case, both signal 106 and 107 show green despite correct conditional logic statements in the other point/signal sub-menu and correct track plan icon colours. Thx David.


Hello David,

I made some changes as you requested (I hope) as shown here:-


I included an extra signal 103 and an extra point 30 in the configurations. Immediately after saving the layout and exiting from the designer, initially signal 106 would change the points, but the signal itself would not change. But then after a few tries on all three signals, 106 started to work also. At this point, I closed RM and restarted it. Thereafter all three signals and the two points behaved as expected.

If these configurations aren't exactly like yours, tell me what to change and I'll try it out.


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Thx for your example Ray. To bring your configuration closer to replicating my problem, it needs some interlocking (unless Train-Tech signals have some way of achieving this - I am not familiar with them). For example, assuming signals 103,106 and 107 control flow left to right in your track plan, the moment you make 107 green, surely 103 and 106 should go to red? That is where I am getting the fault in v1.67.

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Hi David,

There has been a fault for a while whereby a Traintech 2-aspect signal won't change another Traintech 2-aspect signal, although it can switch points. This fault is still present in 1.67.

What kind of signals and decoder are yours?

 When you say "...the moment you make 107 green, surely 103 and 106 should go to red?", I suppose this is true, but should not these other signals be red already? In the image I posted, my signals are at the east end of my station, and when nothing is running they are all set to red. When a train leaves a platform, the appropriate signal is set to green and the points are set. When the train passes the signal, it turns to red.

That's probably "easy for me to say" because I do all of my operations using RM programs, so I don't have to worry about changing the signal back to red after the train has passed it. Using programs obviates the need to use the Other Point/Signal fields in the configuration of the layout plan, and when such a point or signal is switched in a program, if there are any Other Point/Signal parameters, they aren't carried out anyway.



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Ray, the answers to your questions are in my original post on this topic. I, also, have all signals at red when starting up RM. The problem is that v1.67 will NOT set other signals from inside signal settings (but does set points). It always did in v1.66, v1.65, v1.64, v1.63 .... Cheers David.

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Hello again David,

I have been looking at the configuration window for signals and I couldn't find "Signalist SC1" listed. Is it there under a different name, if not, which decoder did you choose from the list?

I tried adding "Other signals" as you requested, and, although the aspect was changing on all three signals icons on the layout plan as required, the signals themselves were not changing, but staying on green. Also, if you then click a signal whose aspect on the screen has been correctly changed back to red, it changes to green then immediately back to red and at the same time switches the actual signal to red. A further click of the same icon, then changes the icon to green and switches the actual signal plus the other points but not other signals.

Now my brain hurts  🫨

Let me know if you want me to try anything else.



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Hi Ray.The Signalist decoders are configured exactly as recommended in the manufacturer's manual, using the Lenz 100 Option (and discussed at length some time ago in this forum). However, the most important factor in your post is that you demonstrated EXACTLY the same fault as I have reported to HRMS, confirming that I haven't lost my marbles. Thanks for all your help in this problem: now we wait for HRMS to come back. I will report the outcome when it arrives. David

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Does anybody know just how long HRMS take to "investigate" a problem? This issue has been going on for almost two weeks now and I haven't heard anything whatsoever from them for 10 days. As there at least two of us out here who can demonstrate the failure of RM to do carry out simple conditional logic as it used to in previous versions (v1.66 back) yet still claims to be a standard feature in the newly-released manual, I am beginning to wonder if there is going to be a fix.

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Does anybody know just how long HRMS take to "investigate" a problem? This issue has been going on for almost two weeks now and I haven't heard anything whatsoever from them for 10 days. As there at least two of us out here who can demonstrate the failure of RM to do carry out simple conditional logic as it used to in previous versions (v1.66 back) yet still claims to be a standard feature in the newly-released manual, I am beginning to wonder if there is going to be a fix.

I think the answer to your question (which no one else wants to say) is "Don't hold your breath"  😉



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It depends upon the problem being investigated and the number of users affected. If many are affected, then HRMS react very quickly indeed, sometimes rushing out a fix in hours.


Signalling within RM on the other hand is used by the 'few' not the 'many'. Take 'TrainTech' signalling issues for example. Personally I don't use 'TrainTech' signals but based upon posts I have read, HRMS have tried really hard to get the TrainTech signalling working correctly, but it seems to me that for every TrainTech signalling issue HRMS fix, two more issues pop up to take its place. If you review all the 'TrainTech' posts over the last year or so you will see what I mean.

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Just an assessment made on the posts read on the forum. It is the same 'user names' that come up time and time again relating to signalling issues. I'm referring to the more sophisticated ProPack multi-aspect signals of course (if that was not clear in my original comment post) and not simple dual aspect signals, as supported in RM Standard edition.


I was also thinking of it in terms of the % of total RM users not just forum members. It is logical to assume that the bulk of users, are just using RM standard edition for basic loco control. Why?, because if that was not the case, then one would expect to see far more "I've got a problem with signalling" posts from a much wider range of user names.

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Just an assessment made on the posts read on the forum. It is the same 'user names' that come up time and time again relating to signalling issues. I'm referring to the more sophisticated ProPack multi-aspect signals of course (if that was not clear in my original comment post) and not simple dual aspect signals, as supported in RM Standard edition.


I was also thinking of it in terms of the % of total RM users not just forum members. It is logical to assume that the bulk of users, are just using RM standard edition for basic loco control. Why?, because if that was not the case, then one would expect to see far more "I've got a problem with signalling" posts from a much wider range of user names.


The reason there is not much talk about signals on here are...


  • If they work we don't need to talk about them (some signals do work)
  • If they don't work we have been waiting a long time for HRMS to fix the issues.

I have not had chance to download the latest version of RM and test to see if the 'humble' 2 aspect signal issues have been fixed, 2 years ago the issues were reported, hence no comments about signals not working on the forum, we have been waiting!


I must try find time in the coming week or so to download the latest RM and test them, had a lot on recently.


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