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Hornby Select button problem


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Hi all.

I have recently purchased a R1125 DCC set on eBay (which was basically new), however I am having problems with the Select controller.
I am able to select one direction using the right arrow button, and get the locomotive (set to 03) to move and stop. However I then cannot select the other direction using the left arrow button. Pressing it does nothing.
I also cannot reset the controller using Stop + arrow + arrow as per the manual. this also doesnt do anything...
To me, this would potentially suggest the left arrow button is not working at all? Is there anything I might have overlooked? Obviously I don't know what previous owner did to the settings, but from a convo with him it seems like it was used for 20 mins then packed away, so shouldn't be an issue.
The controller shows 15 30 03 when switched on.
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The 15 in the start up display shows that the Select has the very latest version 1.5 firmware. This would infer that the Select controller is not that old. Buttons have been known to fail. Personally, I'm always a bit cautious about private sellers on eBay, are they selling it on because they know it has a fault and are keeping quiet about it......buyer beware. Regarding his 20 minute use comment, you only have his word to go on.


It's up to you, what you do about it. You could negotiate with the seller to take it back and issue a refund (do that through the eBay system, so that eBay can step in and help if the negotiations go 'pear shaped'). You could take it apart and try and fix the button (not recommended). Or you could send it to Hornby for repair. If it is not that old, they have been known to repair 'free of charge' in certain circumstances. Contact HCC to discuss via the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of this page.

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Ok, I will contact Customer Services and see what they suggest. I don't really want to return via ebay as that just makes more hassle for everyone. I'm happy to get it fixed if needed.

I take it this means it seems to be 'broken', rather than any setting or anything being amiss?


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The buttons are physical buttons that press down on a membrane internally that makes contacts inside. They are not affected by any adjustable software feature. The buttons have been known to fail and / or become intermittent. Heavy manipulation of the button with one's fingers can sometimes effect a repair.

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Make sure you press the button, not 'dit' it. You might not be giving the electronics enough time to register an instruction! I've not examined the circuitry, but there might be an anti-bounce 'damper' in there, like in a computer, where you can alter the 'repeat key' speed in the settings, (where holdng the key down repeats the letter until you let go) - so a brief tap is being seen as 'noise' rather than an instruction.

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